Round Prairie forms a part of one of the grand prairies,
which here extends in towards the river, east of Lacon, until it
meets the forest which crowns the bluff overlooking the valley
of the Illinois. A semi-circular shape is given to this tract by
the river woods on the west, the Sandy Creek timber on the
north, and the Crow Creek timber on the south. The prairie is
about six miles broad, in its greatest width, and about four
miles between the points of the crescent. The first settler upon
it was Col. John Strawn, of Ohio, who is, with one exception,
the oldest settler in Marshall county. He came to the Round
Prairie in the fall of 1827, on a prospecting tour, and made an
extensive claim on the western side, three to four miles from
Lacon. In September .of the following year, he removed thither
with his family, and made a settlement. Here he remained, the
single white resident of the prairie, with only the Indians of
the forest for neighbors, until the early part of 1830, when
Robert Bird, Sr., and Hoel Doddy, arrived and settled farther to
the east. James Dever settled on the southern part in the autumn
of the same year, where a fort stood during the Black Hawk war.
Several others, with the customary dread of the open prairie
manifested by early settlers, made claims along the edge of the
forest, and by 1834 it had become almost completely skirted with
farms, while a very few had ventured out toward the centre of
the prairie. At that date there was no legal road across it,
except the old State highway on the eastern border, which ran
from Springfield to Ottawa, and a wagon-track to Lacon. The
settlers relied mainly upon Hennepin for mail matter and trade.
Grain was generally hauled to Chicago with four-horse and ox
teams, a week being consumed in the journey. The settlement of
the prairie has steadily progressed, and it is entirely
overspread with cultivated farms. The township to which great
part of it belongs is called Richland indicative of the
character of the soil, which is very fertile.
In 1852, a spacious church was built near the center of the
prairie, by the Methodist denomination, which has since received
the name of Phelps’ Chapel in honor of an eminent Methodist
Shaw's Point is one of the horns of the crescent forming the Round Prairie, nine miles east of Lacon. A considerable settlement has grown up in the vicinity, which takes its name from this point of timber. The first to settle here was George H. Shaw, who had been teaching school on the Ox Bow Prairie in 1830, and who removed to his present location the succeeding year. During the Black Hawk war, himself and one or two of his neighbors sent their families to Tazewell county for protection, until a picket was erected near, when shelter was sought there. A brother-in-law of Mr. Shaw, Chas. S. Edwards, who came in Feb., 1832, was next in the settlement. It increased slowly for a number of years; but since the completion of the Central Railroad, many have settled in that region. A foul murder was committed in a grog-shop near the Point, on the night of Dec. 23d, 1855, while both parties were under the influence liquor. It created a profound sensation.
Roberts' Point is a spur of timber near Sandy Creek, three miles beyond Shaw's. It is the oldest settlement in the county. Jesse Roberts came to the Point in the spring of 1828, and settled there in August. There was then no settlement south of him nearer than Washington, and very few north of him to the Illinois river. A small fort was built about his house during the Indian troubles. Several other settlers came in 1829-30, and the settlement is now thickly populated.
That part of the county comprising Belle Plaine Township and a large portion of Bennington was early known by the former name, which is the French term for “beautiful prairie.'' - It lies in great part about the head of Crow Creek, south-west of the Round Prairie, and is finely interspersed with natural and cultivated groves. Settlement was attracted here but little later than to any other part of the county. In 1831 James Martin arrived and settled near the head of the Creek, and about the same time one or two families named Bird settled in the vicinity, and Samuel Hawkins at Bennington's Grove, upon the farm now occupied by Jos. Bennington, who came in the autumn of 1832, with his brother Robert, followed by Thomas Bennington the succeeding year. A number of settlements were made during the next few years about Crow Creek, and out upon the prairie; but none were made east of Bennington's Grove until, about 1830, when Solomon Williams made his home there. Since the construction of the Central Railroad the country has settled up rapidly, and most of it is covered with farms, which command high prices. Belle Plaine post-office was established here about 1835, the first in Marshall county, kept by Col. R. F. Bell. It is now kept in Pattonsburg.
This is located on the southern border of the county, extending some distance into Woodford, and takes the name Half Moon, as will readily be conjectured, from its shape. Robert Barnes, from Ohio, was the first settler here, arriving in 1830, and locating upon the upper edge of the prairie. A few years after, one Phillips began improvement two miles below him; in 1835 Rev. H. D. Palmer, an eminent minister of the Christian denomination, and Wm. Maxwell, came and settled, followed by James Ledgerwood and others soon after. The village of Washburn stands upon this prairie.
This is situated for the most part upon the fertile "bottom"
along the lower part of the Creek, for four or five miles,
though a number of farmers on the high grounds near the bluffs
on either side are usually included within the settlement. The
pioneer settler was Solomon Sowards, in 1830, of whose numerous
descendants many are residing there. All the land easily
accessible to cultivation is now taken up and occupied.
The region about the mouth of Crow Creek, on one or the other
side of the river, is identified with incidents relating to
several periods of Illinois history. In September, 1681, the
year of La Salle's ill-starred expedition and the building of
Fort Creve Coeur near Peoria, the Chevalier Tonti was recalled
from Buffalo Rock, a few miles below Ottawa, where he was
building a fortified post, by the news of mutiny in the fort, La
Salle being absent. Some of the men deserted to the Indians; and
Tonti concluded to abandon the fort with the rest. Accordingly
he embarked on the 11th of September, in a canoe, with five
Frenchmen and two Jesuit missionaries, Fathers Gabriel and
Zenoble. They proceeded to the head of Peoria lake, where they
stopped to repair their canoe and dry their furs. While thus
engaged, one of the missionaries, Father Gabriel, wandered into
the woods, and was missing when the time for departure arrived.
He was searched for in vain; guns were fired, and fires lighted
along the banks; but all without effect. It was afterwards
ascertained that he was murdered by "a band of savages called
Quicapous" (Kickapoos). He was an old man of seventy years,
devoted to the work of the church; and his loss was much
It was in this vicinity, also, that Gen. Cass held a council
with a great number of Pottawatamie Indians, in June, 1827. A
war had broken out between the Winnebagocs and whites, in
south-western Wisconsin; and it was feared that other Indians of
the West would join the hostile tribe, and a general war be the
consequence. Gen. Cass went down the Mississippi and up the
Illinois river, pacifying the tribes, and holding councils with
them. One of these "talks" is said to have been held near the
head of Peoria lake, and probably at the mouth of Crow Creek. -
At this council the Pottawatamies promised not to assist the
hostile Indians.
The chief incident of the expedition against the Indians of the
Illinois river, known as "Edwards' campaign," in the war of
1812, occurred a little below the mouth of the Creek, on the
same side of the river - perhaps outside the limits of Marshall
county. The expedition was organized in September, to make
reprisals for the savage massacre at Chicago during the
preceding month. It was under the command of Gov. Edwards, and
numbered about three hundred and fifty strong. An account of the
affair has been preserved by Gov. Reynolds, the " Old Ranger,"
who was then a young man, member of a spy company under Capt.
Samuel Judy. The army was mustered at Camp Russell, in the
southern part of the State, and marched northward past the site
of Springfield, and by Elkheart Grove, all then a perfect
"We next reached an old Indian village on Sugar Creek, where we
saw on the bark of the wigwams much painting, generally the
Indians scalping the whites. We set it in flames, and traveled
in the night towards Peoria. We were afraid that the Indians
would know of our approach and leave the villages.
"We traveled on towards midnight, and camped. We had guides along
who conducted the army to the village of Pottawatamie Indians,
known as the Black Partridge village, situated at the Illinois
river bluff, nearly opposite the upper end of Peoria Lake.
"We camped within four or five miles of the village, and all was
silent as a grave-yard - as we expected a night attack, as was
the case with Harrison at Tippecanoe. Our horses were tied near
the camp, saddled, and prepared for action if needed. We lay
with our clothes on, and guns in our arms.
"A soldier by the name of Bradshaw fixing his gun, it fired.
Every man in the army was sure of a battle; but in a few minutes
Gov. Edwards cried out, ‘It was an accident.'
"Four men, Carlin, Roberts, Davis, and Stephen Whiteside,
volunteered to reconnoitre the Indian town, and did so ; but
were in great danger doing it. They reported to Governor Edwards
the position of the enemy. The next morning, in a fog, our
company, the spies, met two Indians, as we supposed, and our
captain fired on them. Many of us before he shot begged for
mercy for the Indians, as they wanted to surrender. But Judy
said anybody will surrender when they cannot help it, and that
he did not leave home to take prisoners. I saw the dust rise off
the Indian's leather shirt when Judy's bullet entered his body.
Both Indians were mounted on good horses. The wounded Indian
commenced singing his death-song, and the blood streaming out of
his mouth and nose. He was reeling, and a man from the main
army, Mr. Wright, came up within a few yards of the wounded
Indian. The Indian just previously had presented his gun at some
of us near him, but we darted off our horses as quick as
thought, and presented the horses between him and us, so he
could not shoot us; but Wright was either surprised or something
else, and remained on his horse. The Indian, as quick as a steel
trap, shot Wright, and in a few minutes after the Indian
expired. As soon as we heard the report of the Indian's gun,
Wright cried out with the pain of his wound, which was in his
groin. The other Indian, supposed to be a warrior, was a squaw.
But before the fact was known many guns were fired at her. It is
singular that so many guns fired at the squaw missed her; but
when the whites surrounded her, and knew her sex, all was over.
She cried terribly, and was taken prisoner, and at last
delivered over to her nation. Many of the French in the army
understood her language, and made her as happy as possible.
"The army moved to the bluff near the village of the Black
Partridge, and near it was a muddy creek, beyond which we saw
some Indians jumping from tree to tree, which rendered it almost
certain that we would be attacked crossing this creek. Our
captain looked back, and I saw he had bullets in his mouth ready
to put in his gun to load it. We sat light on our horses when we
expected to receive the Indian fire every minute ; but it all
passed off, much to our satisfaction, without our being fired
''When the troops came near the village, no order or restraint
could be observed. All pounced on the town pell-mell, with
shouts 'loud and long;' but just when we came in sight the
Indians, men, women, and children, retreated from the village in
the greatest hurry and speed. Near the town were swamps, almost
impassable, and a great portion of the horsemen were mired
before they knew it. My horse fell down in the mud, and I went
rolling over his head into the s-swamp. Near me I saw Governor
Edwards and horse flounder in a deep mud-hole, both down and
covered with black mud. The village was built here on account of
the mud and impassable morasses for defense. The Indians saved
themselves by the swamps. Horsemen could not act, and the
cat-tail and brush were so thick in these morasses that the
Indians hid in them, and it was dangerous to approach them.
Several parties on foot trailed after the body of the Indians
two or three miles across this swampy bottom to the river, and
killed some of the enemy on the route and at the river. A few of
the army were wounded, but none killed. Three men, Howard, St.
Jean, and Kitchen, in the fury of the chase, crossed the
Illinois river in the Indian canoes, in the face of many
Indians, but were not killed. The Indians had left their horses,
camp kettles, corn, and everything on which to support
themselves, in the village, which were all taken away or
destroyed. The horses were all captured ; and among them were
some American horses that the Indians had stolen. What corn and
other articles that could not be removed were burnt. A complete
destruction of the village was effected. Some Indian children
were found in the ashes, and saved. A large Indian was wounded,
and thereby was unable to run off with the rest. He was
starving, and ate bread voraciously when it was given him. He
was protected whilst the army remained in the village, but it
was said that some straggler behind killed him after the army
"During our stay at the village, an Indian warrior deliberately
walked down the bluff some couple of hundred yards from our
troops, and fired his gun at us. He laughed loud, and slowly
walked off. Some men were sent in pursuit, but could not find
him. – This was an Indian bravado. The army started back the
same day."
Indian kettles and other articles have been found frequently
near the site of this ancient village, and in the adjoining
This is an elevated river "bottom" west of the
Illinois, not subject to inundation, extending about nine miles
in length to the Snachwine settlement in Putnam county on the
north, and being three to four miles in width from the river to
the bluffs. It would seem that once there had been an expansion
of the stream here, forming a lake. In the early day it was
known as "Crow Prairie," from the vast number of crows
frequenting that region. It has taken its more recent name from
the city located upon it. The alluvium of this prairie is very
rich and deep, yielding abundant crops.
This part of Marshall county was among the earliest settled.
Late in the season of 1832, or early in the following year, Maj.
Elias Thompson put up a house near the river above Henry, and
Charles Nock took a claim on the prairie some distance below. -
Soon after them came the Hart and Keeves families, each quite
numerous. Among other early settlers, were Ezekiel and Marcus D.
Stacy, Methem B. and Wm. H. Hunt, Reuben Converse, David
Thompson, and Elijah Stacy. In 1835, Warford Bonham settled near
the lower end of the prairie, with a number of sons and
sons-in-law. Since that time the increase of the settlement has
kept pace with the growth of the country, and very few
uncultivated spots are now left within its limits.
In 1843, and for some years previous, this region was harassed
by the frequent visits of horse-thieves and more petty
depredators. Suspicion had long rested upon members of the
Reeves family, who occupied a secluded residence in the bluffs
west of the prairie. Some of them had fled the country, to
escape the clutches of the law; and others were known to be
pursuing a career of crime. The head of the family was charged
with keeping a rendezvous for thieves of every grade, and a
depot for their stolen property. His cabins were unusually well
supplied with lodging accommodations, from cellar to garret; and
suspicious-looking strangers were frequently seen for short
periods about his premises. These, with many other
circumstances, added to the frequent loss of property in the
neighborhood, at length settled beyond a doubt the fact that the
Reeves family were leagued with the infamous “banditti of the
prairies," who for several years carried terror to all parts of
Northern Illinois. Intense indignation was excited against them
throughout a wide section of country, which only awaited some
immediate exciting cause to culminate in violence. This was
found in June, 1843, in the occurrence of an unusual number of
robberies about Lacon and Henry, and the subsequent escape of
two of the thieves, named Cameron Reeves and John Allison - by
the connivance, as was alleged, of certain Peoria lawyers.
Intelligence of an intended movement, and a request for
co-operation, were sent in various directions; the necessary
councils were held, and preliminary measures determined; and,
when all things were in train, a summons was sent to the elder
Reeves and wife, to attend a meeting of citizens at Robinson's
Grove, [* Since called Council Grove, in memory of this
occasion. It stands on Henry Prairie, three miles south-west of
the city, and half a mile west of the railroad track.] about a
mile from Reeves' dwelling, on Saturday, the 17th of June,
called to deliberate upon their fate. At the appointed hour on a
brilliant forenoon of early summer, a long cavalcade of
determined men, in wagons and on horseback, fully armed, wound
its way from the north toward the place of council; while a
similar procession slowly approached from the south. - At the
same moment the aged couple summoned to meet the excited
populace were observed making their way across the prairie to
the grove, leading a little boy, the youngest of the family -
all clothed in dress of black. As they reached the designated
place, the two processions came up and surrounded the grove,
enclosing the doomed family within the circle. The assembly
numbered about three hundred men, from the counties of Peoria,
Stark, Bureau, Putnam, and Marshall. It was organized in an
informal way, Hall S. Gregory being recognized as Chairman.
"The meeting having informally organized, Dr. Swanzey, of
Bureau, was called. He responded with much warmth, depicted the
fears and injuries to which the country had been subjected on
account of Reeves, and ended by recommending a resort to
violence. Dr. Boal, of Lacon, was then called up. He also spoke
under excitement; but his sympathies and views were not in
unison with those of Dr. Swanzey. While he expressed his belief,
in common with others, that Reeves had rendered himself
obnoxious to criminal allegations, he nevertheless contended for
the claims of order, law and humanity. He said that if it were
true that Reeves was guilty of horse-stealing and harboring
thieves, the greatest punishment that the law could inflict
would be imprisonment in the penitentiary; and that to deprive
him of life would be greater than the crime.
"It was manifestly a task of no small magnitude to stem the
current of indignation that was rolling in against Reeves.
Demonstrations which made him tremble like an aspen leaf were
seen on every hand. Guns were cocked and drawn; and their owners
were clamorous to have the cold lead leap from them to its
intended victim.
''After Dr. Boal had concluded. Dr. Temple, of Chillicothe,
responded to a call. He took a middle course, avoiding the
extremes of the first speakers. With Dr. Boal lie deprecated
anything like a resort to violence, and recommended the
observance of order, and concluded by suggesting that a
committee of twenty men be appointed to pack their household
furniture, conduct them to Henry, and cause their departure on
the first boat on its downward passage.
"This suggestion proved acceptable to all except a few violent
spirits who thirsted for the blood of Reeves. The meeting now
scattered, and a committee, in conformity with their
instructions, with many others, repaired to the dwelling of
Reeves. The goods packed, and the family and all in readiness,
Mrs. Reeves by her own request was permitted to return a moment
to the house, where, after throwing from the fireplace a
quantity of burning coals into some straw on the floor, she
passed around the building, and taking a stone from the chimney,
drew out and put in her bosom a small bag. [* It should be
remarked that the house had already been set on fire in several
places by the citizens, and that the incendiary act of Mrs.
Reeves was committed, in all probability, in a spirit of mere
bravado.] The main dwelling and the out-houses were soon a
smouldering ruin.
"At evening on Saturday Reeves and family were put on board the
steamer Dove, at Henry, where, with emotions of grief and
humiliation, they gladly took leave of those from whom they
apprehended a more dreadful fate, to try their fortunes among
strangers. Reeves was as humble as a whipped dog - his wife a
perfect hurricane of passion. All were stricken with the deepest
sorrow - sorrow that t heir real or suspected crimes had
involved them in ruin and indelible disgrace."
The family never attempted to return, and the gang of thieves on
Henry Prairie was effectually broken up. The community has since
enjoyed comparative exemption from their visitations.
A murder was committed on the farm of George Bonham, at the lower end of the prairie, during a sale held March 18th, 1854, Wm. Organ meeting his death at the hands of James Shinn, being stabbed to the heart while quieting a drunken quarrel. - Upon trial and conviction, Shinn was sent to the State Prison for four and a half years. This verdict created much indignation throughout the county.
This name is given to the broad savanna upon the bluffs west of Henry Prairie, which extends to the great western prairie of the State, constituting large part of the “Military Bounty Land Tract." Whitefield and Saratoga Townships are comprised by it. A few settlers located upon it in the early day, before the formation of the county; but it has filled up mostly since 1846.
Camping Grove is situated twelve miles due west of Lacon, on the line of the American Central Railway, and also on the Peoria and Galena road, the first State highway in Northern Illinois. In early times, when there was no settler within many miles, emigrants were much accustomed to stop at the Grove for the purpose of camping, whence it took the name. In 1840. Francis Grady, a hospitable Irishman, built a residence near, which has long furnished "accommodation for man and beast." The country around is still somewhat sparsely settled, but must eventually become the home of a busy population. The high land in the vicinity is celebrated as among the loftiest eminences in the State, from which views may be obtained into seven counties.
Lawn Ridge is a continuation of the Blue Ridge of prairie land, which begins in Peoria county and stretches up for several miles into Marshall, where it becomes broader, more level and lawn-like. It is in the south-western corner of the county, and most of the settlement is included in La Prairie Township. One of the first settlers, if not the first, was an Englishman named Wm. Coulson, who located on the farm now occupied by A. Riddle, on the Peoria and Galena road, about 1837. In 1840, Mr. Richard Scholes settled three miles farther north. Since then the township has increased in population with varying rapidity, and is now covered with an almost continuous network of fences and hedges.
Yankee Street is the title of a lane four miles west of Lacon, and about a mile and a half long. - There are a number of dwellings on either side of it, inhabited by people of New England or New York descent, who have given the name "Yankee Street" to the settlement. The first here was Joel Atwood, who, with his sons and sons-in-law, Samuel Haynes and Allen Hunter, settled in 1835. Aaron and Levi Fosdick came soon after, and the settlement is now numerously populated.
Transcribed 05 Feb 2012 from History of Putnam and Marshall Counties, by Henry Allen Ford, 1860
Bureau Putnam La Salle | |||
Stark |
![]() |
Peoria | Woodford |