Rev. Geo. N. Smith will preach in the New Church (Swedenborian) place fo worship to-morrow, at 11 and 3 o'clock.
Amos Blossom of Whitefiled, who has just returend from a visiting ___ through Iowa, tells the story that ___ a farm in that State ... He has been prospecting with a party with a view of taking advantage of the homestead law, and D. Latiiner, Chas. Kellogg and Amos, all bring back favorable reports of Northwestern Iowa, and all expect to return and take up claims in that section.
... we are notified that a new firm has been formed in our city, and our enterprising townsman Sammy Moles having formed a copartnership with Mr. Chapman, has crossed voer the way and opened store in F. S. Potter's old stand. They look lively over there and are bent upon doing a good business. We hope they may.
Richard Dikes, our old veteran tinner and stove dealer, has recently disposed of his stock and store to H. C. Bryant, and retires from business, waiting with patience thorugh hust now for tardy delinquents to "call at the captain's office and settle." Mr Bryant comes will recommended and is determined to retain the reputation and large patronage the stand has always had, and he can well expect a liberal share of the trade.
F. M. Jaddey, too, has disposed of his grocery store to R. E. Hill, and goes from us to improve his health. Mr. Hill has a good stand for business, and has added a large stock of goods since his purchase, and will no dooubt get his share of the favors of our people.
Mr. J. C. McCurdy has dissolved connection with D P Deyoe, and will continue the grain business here for a Chicago firm. He can be found at Clark's grocery store as heretofore.
J. K. Morse, our photographist of eleven years standing, has sold his gallery and fixtures to a Galesburg artist, and goes back to Maine, his native place, for a time. Should he return west, Henry will be his home, and he will then probably engage in some other vocation than picture taking.
Stevenson & Pierson, who have formerly been next door to Clark's, have moved down alongside Frank Barnard's and has opened a gelntleman and ladies' oyster saloon and eating house, where everything is served that is obtainable, cold or hot, at all hours of the day. It is the place for a good lunch.
Samuel C Bacon, on Wednesday, made the purchase of the fine residence and drounds of J L Jones, located west of the depot and just outside the city, for the handsome sum or $4300, which was immediately to be paid down. The "Squire" is one of the oldest settlers of this vicinity, and we are glad he has secured such elegant quarters near the city to spend the remainder of his days in.
Eugene Hutchins has also purchased a huse and lot in the vicinity of Robert Clark's residence for the sum of $800.
Mr. Os___ Culver has recently become the purchaser of the farm owned by Mrs. Horace Culver, located between this city and the Seminary the latter selling out with a view of making it her future home in Minnesota.
John T Smith of Whitefiled disposes of a portion of his farm, and John Barrett is to be the purchaser.
The Central Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church have made their appointments, and we give those in the vicinity. Henry, A C Higgins, Whiteviled, J Mathews, La Prairie, A C Price, Hennepin, W D H Young; Wenona, W. E. Knapp. Rev. J. H Saunders of this city goes to Elmwood, and Rev. M. Spurlock to Galva
Columbus Gordon of Whitefield, while assisting in lifting a sorghum mill from a wagon on to posts where it was to stand, recently had a finger bone broken and his right hand badly lacerated by the heavy iron mill coming down upon it. He has some five acres of sorghum to gather and work up besides other jobs promised of his new mill, made of insufficient material has already cost him $30 for repairs and a deal of time, and with a disabled hand, a broken mill, and the less of precious time in the molasses season, will make it an unfortunate fall for him.
A bit of scandal is going the rounds for now. It seems that a minister came to thses parts some year and a half ago, and was settled over one of our country churches, and brought with him what was understood to be a wife, whom be had wooed and wed in Tazewell county. He was a person of preposessing appearance, of fair talents, and secured considerable popularity and a large congregation by his pulpit oratory. He was esteemed and loved by his people for his piety, his zealous Christian deportment, and his earnestness in the discharge of his ministerial duties. He purchased a horse and carriage, and time was given him to pay for it, and having made warm friends settled down contentedly over a happy and devoted flock. Strange that anything should arise to distrub the still waters. A week or two ago documents were received by some of the church, alleging tat he has a wife and three children living in Arkansas, and that he had deserted them. With this development and the unhappy state of feeling occasioned by it, the parson decamped to parts unknown in his unpaid for horse and carriage, leaving the unhappy victim of his perfidy to take care of herself. She has since gone home among her friends in Tazewell county. It is sincerely hoped that this sad case may yet be satisfactorily explained, and that the pastor may be able to show a clean record from these grave charges and aspersions upon his name and reputation. It is to be lamented that churches have to suffer from such impostors "wolves in sheep's clothing," but such cannot long go unpunished "they will have their reward."
Died. In this city, Oct 4th, of Congestion of the Liver, Wilile Edward, son of R C and E Mallory, aged 3 years, 2 months, and 29 days.
Mr. A Kohler, son of Dr. C. C. Kohler of this city, fell from the cars
between Bureau and Snachwine into a culvert down about twenty feet. The
conductor was notified that a man had fell off, and he gave the order to go
back and pick him up, and he was found three miles back, with a knee broken;
his hip and breast badly bruised, and insensible. He is doing well, and
there is hope of recovery.
We also learn that Dr. ____ a resident of Magnolia, fell down the cellarway
of his dwelling on MOnday of last week, breaking seven ribs and getting
other severe brusies. At last accounts he was doing well.
A fire broke out about half past twelve Thursday night, in the back part of a lager beer saloon kept by a German named Max Weller, on Edward street, the center building of a group of three, and though the alarm was quickly given, and the collection of citizens prompt, the fire burned steadly on, communiciating to the tailor shop (the old post office building) of C. Hulben on one side, and the meat market of a German named Alex Delzer on the other, and in the short space of an hour the whole was consumed. ... The buildings occupied by Weller and Hulben were the property of V. Weis, ... The other building was owned by Deimer ...
John Kline, our enterprising furniture dealer and undertaker, long cramped for room for his extensive and crowding business, is now addling a two-story addition to his establishment ...
H. L. Hutchins has just erected a neat and convenient barn back of his residence ...
The election for School Trustees of Henry township, which occurred on Monday last, resulted in the re-election of the old officers, Ephraim Hoyt, Charles Nook, and S. G. Worley.
The orchard of George Burt, Esq., of Whitefiled, the early part of the week had two plum trees in blossom and an apple tree also, which is a strange phenomenon for this season of the years. ... The orchard of Richard Mutton adjoinging also has apple trees in blossom, ... The orchard of Timothy Atwood has a cherry tree in it, not content with bearing its usual amount of cherries this year, has blossomed out again, and very likely might yield its second crop if the season would only allow of it. Strange freaks these!
As Albert Tremain started from home for Henry in his light carriage one day last week, his horse suddenly started off at full speed, and became unmanageable; he ran some half a mile, down a hill and across a bridge, and then shying to the right, he leaped a ditch some three feet across and about as deep, clearing it himself, but catching the buggy, wrenching off the shafts, breaking an axle, and otherwise damaging the vehicle in its rapid passage over the vavine. Mr. Tremain had presence of mind enough when the hores turned out the road to jump, and he sprang from the carriage just in time to escape the dangerous ditch and the fearful consequences that might have followed. ...
The Marshall County Circuit Court has been in session for two weeks at
Lacon, and though considerable business has been transacted, but a few
important cases have been tried. Of two indictments for malicious conduct,
one was squelched, and in the other case the defendant was acquitted.
The indictment agains Edward Watson of this city for intent to kill, was
continued to the next term of court.
People vs George A Wallahan for perjury. Went over.
People vs Jacob Ammon for larcenty was continued.
Jacob Doll and Xavier Wolf of Wenona, against whom ther ewere 12 and 6
indictments found respectively, for the illegal sale of spirituous liquors,
took a change of venue to Woodford county.
Dr. J C Miner can be consulted at the Myers House upon the diseases of the Eye and Ear, and upon all other diseases, at all times, except every third week, when he will be absent from the 23d of October to the 28th, maiking 5 days recess every three weeks from those days.
H C Bryant appears in our advertising column to-day, who recently succeeded Richard Dikes, and gives notice that the hardward, tinwar, and store business is still ...
A. N. Ford, the oldest editor and publisher of the county, and who has been at the head of the Lacon Gazette almost from its commencement, some 27 years, gave us a short call yesterday. He is in good health, and bears the insignia of being well kept in that portion of our county.
A. F. Way and Col. Stope, while on a short drive out of the city last ____day, had the misfortune to have the ___ to their carriage break, which let the foreweheels off, and starteing the young hourse they were driving. The Colonel attempted a jump, but striking on his head with considerable force, he received some slight bodily injuries. Mr. Way hung to his horse, and was dragged ___ considerably scrached about the body and arms. The buggy was somewhat roughly handled, but a frew repairs will set it on this "style" again.
Frank Cli__, son of L F C___, living in the lower part of the city, was walking upon a plank over the hog pen about a week ago, when a savage hog sprang at him, pulling him into the pen, and making a terrible incision on the inside fo his thigh of about six inches in length, exposing and nearly causing a protrusion of the ____. The little fellow was duly cared for, and is getting along finely.
H W Ruggles, one of our city scenic and ornamental painters, has just completed the ___ of a gentleman's saddle upon the new saddle and harness shop of J. Krentz on Edwards strett. Thesaddle will attract the eye, is well executed, and gives one a kind of "hankerin" for a straddle.
A fire occurred in Lacon on Sunday last, destroying a stable and storage building belonging to Mr. A Picherau on Fifth street. A pair of valuable horses, harnesses, hay, grain, &c., were burned. Loss $1500, no insurance. The building took fire while the family were at church.
Dr E H N_ck continues the ___ of Dentistry in our city and can be consulted daily at his rooms over C Everett's drug store. He also gives lessons in scenic and portrait painting.
John W January. Many of our readers will be glad to learn that this ppor, afflicted Andersonville sufferer, has finally recovered sufficiently to be able to be removed from the hispital to his home at Mononk. John, for many years lived in Whitefield, and moved with his parents near Mononk some four or five years since. Prompted by patriotism and duty he enlisted as a volunteer from that State in the 14th Illinois cavalry, and after being out some time was taken prisoner with many comrades by the rebels and carried to Andersonville. There he was starved and neglected like thousands equally unfortunate, which with disease adn exposure and cruelty he was reduced to a skeleton, and both his limbs rotted above the ankles and his feet actually dropped off. Soon after the surrender of Wilmington he was removed to that post, and being visited by an artist from Harper's establishment, his sad condition was pictured out in a June number of Harper's Weekly, with several other federal soldiers in as wretched a situation as himself. From therre he was removed to David Island hospital in New York harbor, where with skillful nursing and tender care he has been slowly convalescing, and quite recently has undertaken the journey and got home to anxious friends who were glad to receive him, and welcome him at Mononk. Government has furnishe dhim with a pair of artificial feet, which he will use when he gets sufficent at ___ and he now straps them on to his limbs for a kind of support when he sits up. This case is a remarkable one, for having been brought to the very verge of the grave by rebel inhumanity, and suffered beyond all description, it has only been by the most careful and unremitting attention and treatment, that he has been brought so far towards recovery, and it is now thought that he will eventually regain his health, and quite likely use to advantage the artifical supports for his locomotion. He has the heartfelt sympathy of all who know him in this section, and his deformed and maimed condition will always stand forth as a work of one of the most wicked and cruel rebellions of which earh has record.
William Moles, we understand, has quite recently made "a change of base," having accepted of a clerkship in the Henry City Bank.
As per advertisement in to-day's Telegraph, Richard Lloyd offers for sale a lot of wood, ...
We announce this morning the opening of a new Millinery Store in our city by Mrs. Sarah J. Slack, who has just arrived from the East with a budget of new Millinery and Fancy Goods and opens them at the place foremerly occupied by Orr & Doolittle as a News Room, nearly opposite Clark's Grocery Store. Mrs. Slcak comes well recommened, and our ladies will find her establishment replete with the paraphernalia of a Fancy Goods Store. It will pay to look in upon her.
The Henry Society of the New Jerusalem Church, known as Swedenborgians, who have had a curch organization in our city for many years past, and who have held weekly religious services on Thrid street, have quite recently taken the steps towards building a temple or house of worship, and have already purchased and paid for a lot, 60x80, on the corner of Main and Thomas streets, adjoinging north the lot where the Baptish church once stood. ...
Weddings have been on the topic this week, no less than five young men of our city having gone and "done it" in spite of wind and weather. Three of the number chse "ribs" from among our Whitefiled lasses, while another's "F___" was over in Bureau county. One little matter connected with Mr. Smith's marriage is worthy of mention. He was a member of Company B, 88th ___ and a number of these boys got together, wrote the names of all their lady friends living in this vicinity upon strips of white paper, and put them into a hat, the understanding with each being that as each strip of paper was drawn from the hat, each one was to write to and correspond with the lady whose name he chanced to draw. Mr. Smith drew the mane of Miss Louisa Barnes. He wrote of course - got a reply most cheering to a soldier's heart and a pleasing correspondence brought on a personal acquaintance and courtship, and has finally matured into ___ the marriage announcement in another column.
At the annual meeting fo the Farmers and Mechanics' Institute of Marshall county, held in this city on Thursday, November 2d, the Board of officers were chosen for hte ensuing year, as follows: President - Stephen M. Clark; Vice Presidents - A. S. Myers, D. C. Hull; Recording and Corresponding Secretary - Dr. George Motter; Treasurer - Samuel Camp; Augditors - Josiah McCoy, Eli Albertson; Executive Committee - A Broaddus, Hartley Malone, W D Robinson W E Cook, B S Eldridge, T L Falkner, Harrison Gregory; Chief Marshal - Reuben Broaddus; General Superintendent Stock Department - S G Worley; Miscellaneous - Eli Albertson; Superintendent of Fari Ground - W D Robinson.
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