Mrs. George Gallup and daughter Lottie, of Sparland, Ill., are here on a visit at Mrs. John Larkin's.
Lacon, Ills., July 15 - A delegation of Toluca miners visited Sparland, and prevailed upon the miners to strike. At a mass-meeting it was voted to quit work this evening. This closes all mines in Marshall county, and 2,000 miners are idle.
Mrs. Mary O'Connell died Sunday evening at 5:15 of old age at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Oswald Thiele, 2612 Fifth avenue. She was aged 82 years. Mrs. O'Connell was born in County Clare, Ireland, and came to Rock Island in 1854, this city having since been her home. She is survived by three daughters and one son: Mrs. Gallup, of Sparland, Ill.; Mrs. John Larkin and Mrs. Oswald Thiele, of this city, and Anthony O'Connell, of Davenport. The funeral will be held at Sacred Heart church at 9 a. m. tomorrow.
It has remained for an Illinois girl to decline a title of nobility and an ancestral castle, because she prefers to live under the stars and stripes.
Four years ago she was Miss Mabel Canniff, of Toluca, Ill. She met and fell in love with Otto von Schaezler. He, although Miss Canniff did not know it at the time, was the eldest son of Baron von Schaezler, whose seat was at Castle Bornbach, near Munich, Germany. He had been a lieutenant of lancers in the service of the German emperor, but had resigned his commission and come to America several years before.
Miss Canniff and Otto von Schaezler were married and made their home in Davenport. There they were living in a quiet way, when a cablegram was received announcing the death of the old baron, and calling the son home to take his father's title and estates. But Mrs. von Schaezler did not want to give up her residence in the United States, and her husband also had become a naturalized citizen, and was well satisfied with republican institutions.
Accordingly Mr. and Mrs. von Schaezler went to Germany, where the heir renounced his claim in favor of his younger brother. In return a large sum of money and an annuity were settled upon him by the new baron. Mr. von Schaezler also had a guardian appointed for his young son, who will hold in trust for him the right of succession to the title which his father refused to accept.
John Gannon left Monday for his home in Toluca, Ill., after attending his brother's funeral Sunday.
Raton, N. M., Sept. 6 - Thomas Donnelly of Toluca, Ill., is under arrest here, charged with kidnaping 12-year-old Mary Berry, heiress to a $40,000 estate and bringing her to Ratom.
Donnelly was taken into custody three days ago, but it was not until late last evening that he was turned over to J. E. Houston, special messenger from the governor of Illinois, and R. S. Burt, editor of the Henry county Times of Toluca, who were empowered to arrest him.
Mary Berry is the daughter of John Berry, who was killed in the Dutchman mine at Biossburg, N. M. three years ago. She is the grand-daughter of Patrick Berry, who dropped dead on Johnson's mesa last January.
The combined estate left the girl by her father and grandfather is valued at $40,000. Patrick Berry, Jr., an uncle of the girl, was appointed guardian three months ago by Judge Chavez, but no notice of this appointment was served upon Mrs. Mary Farley of Toluca, daughter of Patrick Berry, Jr.
Last week Patrick Berry, Jr., went to Toluca and had a talk with Thomas Donnelly, at whose home Mary Berry had been living, her expenses having been paid by Mrs. Farley. The result of this interview was that Donnelly brought the girl to Raton, and a telegram followed from the Toluca sheriff demanding that Donnelly be arrested.
Sheriff Hixenbaugh arrested Donnelly, but released him on a $500 bond. Hixenbaugh agreed to have Donnelly on hand yesterday so that he might be taken back to Illinois, but failed to produce his man in time to catch any of the trains.
After the trains had left Hixenbaugh informed the Illinois officers that they could have Donnelly. Fearing that some trick was about to be worked upong them, the Illinois men telephoned to Governor Curry for advice and assistance.
He promptly told them to seize Donnelly, no matter where they found him, and take him back to Illinois. He then notified the district attorney to take whatever action was necessary in the premises and intimated he woudl remove any New Mexico sheriff who tried to prevent Donnelly's return to Illinois.
Donnelly was located in a barber shop and seized. Mary Berry will be returned to Illinois and again placed in charge of her aunt.
The fight for possession of the girl by New Mexico relatives, it is alleged, is inspired by the desire to control her estate and receive payment for rearing her.
East Moline - James Hill of Sparland, Ill., visited last week with his brother, F. O. Hill.
James Hill of Sparland, Ill., has accepted a position at the C. R. I. & P. depot.
East Moline - Mrs. Hill and daughter Bessie of Sparland, Ill., are visiting at the F. O. Hill home.
Davenport - H. S. Meyers of Sparland, Ill., is here visiting with old friends and relatives.
Milan - Mrs. Myers and daughter, Mrs. McLaren, left Monday for Mrs. Myers' home in Sparland, Ill.
Bloomington, Ill., Feb 11 - Emma Francis, who is 67 years old, arrived here yesterday from Bedwork, England, and was married to James A. Wilson, aged 73 years, a wealthy landholder of Sparland, Ill. They were sweethearts 50 years ago in England and agreed to wed when Wilson became rich.
H. S. Myers of Sparland, Ill., will remove his goods to the Searles farm west of Milan.
Lacon, Ill., March 21 - The Wenon bank, a private institution located at Wenona, in Marshall county, failed to open its doors yesterday morning. On the door was posted the notice "Bank closed." The announcement was made to depositors that a statement would not be given until today.
The officers of the bank are Jerome Howe, president; W. V. Howe, vice president; and R. B. Work, cashier. The institution was established in 1890. Estimates place the deposits at $180,000. The liabilities, it is reported, may reach $300,000. The assets are said to be sufficient to cover all indebtedness.
The howe brothers always have been rated as wealthy men. Jerome Howe is said to own 1,000 acres of land in Wenona, Marshall, LaSalle and McLean counties, and also heavy holdings of land in Indiana.
The Howe brothers are heavy investors in southern lands, upon which they claim to be unable to realize at this time. Steady wighdrawal of deposits in teh last few weeks has forced them to the wall, they contend.
While they claim to be solvent, it will be a day or so before the condition of affairs will be known.
This is the second private bank in Marshall county to close its doors since the first of the year and the third in this vicinity.
The other failures in this county were at Larose and Tonica, a short distance from Wenona.
Peoria, Ill., March 21 - Late yesterday an involuntary bankruptcy petition was file in the federal court here for the Howe bank. The creditors will apply fo ra receiver today.
Four creditors, represtnting an indebtedness of $1,200, started the proceedings. The men were Daniel Craig, Ralph B Work, and Thomas Melody and Albert Milset, operating as a partnership , all depositors.
Jerome Howe admitted the insolvency of his institution here, but would not discuss the failure further.
Aledo - Mr. and Mrs. McGee and three children went to Sparland Wednesday to make a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Robert Rickey.
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