Hon. George O. Barnes died at his home in Lacon on Friday, Oct. 16, from
cancer, which had afflicted him for something over three years.
Mr. Barnes was one of the ablest and best known lawyers in this congressional district. As a legal adviser he was fair and just to his clients, and one of the most careful practitioners in the state. He never took anything for granted. He must know of his own personal knowledge that things were as he wanted them; especially was this true in real estate transactions. While he was close and accurate in his knowledge of law, and an able pleader, it was largely to this habit of carefulness that he owed much of that success for which he was justly famed. He stood at the front of the bar. As a man he was honorable and worthy the respect which all entertained for him. His death was a slow and painful one, and had been expected for some time.
The funeral services occurred Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from his late residence in Lacon, being very largely attended, members of the bar from several counteis being present. Dr. Holmes of Chicago, an intimate friend, officiated, assisted by Rev. Jas. Haney, both Methodist clergymen. There was a profusion of floral tributes, one large broken wheel design from members of the bar. The interment took place in the Lacon cemetery. The pall bearers were chiefly relatives of the deceased, being James G. Barnes, Levi Barnes and Dr. Barnes, brothers; Attorney Barnes of Jacksonville, a cousin; Mr. Magoon of Milwaukee, a relative of Mrs. Barnes, and Dr. D. E. Thomas of Lacon.
Among the attorneys and judges from out of town in attendance were Judge N. W. Green, and the Hon. J. V. Graff, congressman of the 14th district, of Pekin; Judge Winslow Evans, C. P. Watson, court stenographer, Peoria; David Ross, La Salle; H. C. Pettett, Chilicothe; Messrs. Potter and Clover of Henry; Frank Thomas, Stark county, and a number of attorneys and county officials from Putnam county.
He leaves a widow and three children. R. Magoon Barnes, the only son, is a practicing attorney of Lacon, Mary Barnes who lives at home, and Mrs. Lagrange, who resides in Nebraska. Mr. Barnes amassed considerable wealth during his life, and the family is left in good circumstances.
Source: Henry Republic, 22 Oct 1896
Contributed 08 Mar 2019 by Norma
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