Henry Republican - 1886
30 Dec 1886
The Year's Summary of Important Events Occuring
in Marshall County and Vicinity During the Past Year!
Compiled from the files of the Henry Republican
A List of the Improvements, Accidents, Marriages, Deaths, etc.
- New Years observed by the ladies of Wenona.
- The following directors from the stock holders of the Henry City Bridge were elected the 5th, consisting of F S Potter, J H Jones, J C Townsend, G F Paskell, Lewis Snyder, B Yaeger, W W Heath, J N Krenz, E H Hutchins. Receipts for 1885 $4351. In treasury Jan 1, $3201.83.
- Death of T P Coan, 7th, 71.
- C S Edwards takes the principalship of the schools at York, Neb.
- Remains of W B Wikoff received from Arkansas 1st, and re-interred in Henry cemetery.
- New Year's offering to Ananias Snethen – four $20 gold pieces.
- Installation at I O O F lodge room 6th, J E Anthony N G
- Drowning of George Reiser, 3d, in Weis's lake, buried 5th, from St Mary's church, age 17.
- Ball at New Opera Hall New Year's night. Gehrig's orchestra.
- Silver wedding of Mr and Mrs Peter Bell of Whitefield, 9th.
- Winter term of public schools of Henry commenced 4th.
- Week of prayer, joint service of Presbyterian and M E churches, commenced 3d
- Leslie musical conventions at Varna, Lacon, Sparland and Henry "Congregational singing" rampant
- First test of the flow of the artesian well on the 11th, in charge of fire warden Frank Krenz. Height of water thrown 70 feet, 40 gallon cask filled in 39 seconds
- Ice harvest commenced 14th, with ice 8 inches thick – 12 teams and 25 men
- Friday, 8th, thermometer 20 below zero, highest, at noon, 14 below
- 7th, marriage of David Owens of Lacon and Bertha Albertson of Henry
- Julia Jones gives a party in honor of her guest Mollie Hull of Ottawa 11th
- Fireworks from Watercott building New Year's night, in honor of the dance at Bickerman's Hall. A fine pyrotechnic display.
- Party at the elegant residence of F S Potter, Esq, 8th
- Birthday anniversary of May McNeal, 11th. A gold watch and chain presented by her father
- Blowing out of a plug in the Nicholson elevator boiler, scalding Mr Nichol son and Lewis V Smith, but not badly, 13th
- Location of Dr W H Wills at Whitefield corners, and he has had a year of large and successful practice in the line of his profession.
- Organization of a musical association in Henry. R C Moody president, C W Buckley director
- 4th, the Congregational society elect trustees and officers
- Catholic fair and festival, commenced 11th, and continued six days. Receipts about $1200
- Stephen Cornell appointed postmaster at Lawn Ridge
- 7th, Marriage of Florence Bowers and John Ramage at Magnolia
- Marriage of Jennie Horner and A B Miner of Lincoln, Neb, Dec 24
- While cleaning snow from ice off the lock pond, 10th, a horse of John Tomasson broke thro the ice and was drowned. Value $250
- Sale of the Garlin property to John Russell
- Confirmation of John Hartley's appointment as postmaster of Henry by C S senate, 13th. His appointment dated from date of commission, July 1, '85
- Church committee of St Mary's congregation elected, 16th
- Geo O Davis enters the mercantile business at Mt Palatine by buying out his grandfather's business. He was also appointed P M of the place
- Progressive euchre party at elegant residence of G G Guyer, 19th. Nine tables and two sections of "progressive"
- Concert of Dr Durfee's singing class at Presbyterian church, 22d
- Good sleighing from storms about the 15th and 16th
- Revival at Presbyterian church conducted by Rev J L McNair of Evansville, Ind., assisted by the pastor Rev G B Black, commenced 18th, continuing 10 days
- Equalized assessment of Henry township for 1885 $344,910, tax levy for $14,074.76
- George Schuster fell on the walk, spraining an ankle and crippling him for life, 27th.
- Transfer of the ice business of John Tomasson to Frank Leavitt by purchase.
- Purchase of the Flick property by Moses Hartley for $600.
- Otto Zeirline, on reaching his majority, 25th, presented with a gold chain, diamond pin, etc., by his mother.
- 26th, birthday of George Burt, Sr., who, reaching this 80th milestone of life, was presented by his three sons with an elegant gold headed cane.
- Edwin and Rachel Frisby of Steuben are divorced by the court.
- In 1885 there were 128 marriages and 28 divorces in Marshall county.
- S D Robinson of the Reed House, La Rose, died 20th. Age 55.
- Death of Mrs W W Twist of Bennington township, aged 40, on the 21st.
- Divorce granted John Otto from his wife Maggie Otto. Maggie has never thought the court ought-to.
- On the 29th the birthday of Mrs A B Matthews was celebrated with a "surprise." An album was presented.
- Death of Mrs. William Klein, 30th. Age 52.
- Death of Mrs Vista Boice, 30th, aged 79. A resident of Henry 30 years.
- Party at residence of John Kline, 29th. Progressive euchre with quotation from authors to designate the series.
- Removal of D H Johnson and family to Claremont, Va.
- The religious meeting in charge of Rey McNair, Presbyterian, closed 4th. Some 80 unite with the church.
- The ladies grand social party at New Opera Hall 10th
- Arrival from Europe of Robert Burgess at Wenona with 13 imported horses.
- S S convention La Prairie, 18th.
- Death of Mrs Hattie Watrous at Lacon, adopted daughter of J L Mohler. Age 23.
- Calico ball, Lacon, 22d.
- Divorce of J S Thompson from his third wife at Havana, a compromise in consideration of deeding the wife a farm in Saratoga township.
- Death of Mrs Henry Forbes at Lacon, 6th, age 40.
- Burning of the J T Smith tenement house in Whitefield, occupied by Henry Dally, 5th. Loss of nearly all the later's household goods.
- Opening of a new grocery store by Henry Vogelsang, 6th.
- Closing of J R Chapman's dry goods store at Lacon by Sheriff Hancock, 6th.
- Surprise visit to Mrs Ann Tabor in honor of her 72d birthday, 15th. A handsome dress was the tender of the company present
- Surprise party to John Roth and wife, commemorating the fifth anniversary of wedlock. Presents of wooden ware were received.
- Revival meeting in M E church in charge of Rev J E Taylor, commenced the 14th. Rev A Bower assisted.
- Artesian well tower taken down, 18th.
- A W Kilgore opens a depot for the sale of the Domestic sewing machine.
- Marriage of Adna Hartley and Elsie F Calef at the Calef mansion at Whitefield Corners, 11th
- Commemorative 5th anniversary party of George Heider and wife, 15th. Articles of wooden war presented.
- Horse Breeders Association formed at Hennepin, 18th
- Constructing of the Hot Sulpher bath house by A Camp & Son
- Oration of Prof W H Kister, deputy grand master of Masonic district No. 10, 22d, before the Masonic lodge of Tiskilwa
- Marriage of Otto P Zeirline and Mollie Louis, 22d.
- Death of Phoebe, wife of J S Toillemire in Adair county, Iowa. Age 78.
- Family reunion at residence of H D Bonham, 21st, in Whitefield. Several brothers and sisters present
- Organization of the Children's Union, 20th, in Christian church. Mrs A H Kinnear chosen president.
- Mat Eller appointed postmaster of Garfield. How does the thing work by this time Mat?
- 28th, Marriage of James Berwick and Urania L Hennicke
- An anniversary sermon was preached by Rev Geo B Black on Sunday, 21st; 53 had united with the Presbyterian church during the year, doubling the membership, 48 by confession, and 10 by letter.
- Death of Ephram Smith, a pioneer farmer of the OxBow, settling there in 1830. Aged 81
- Some 527 local tickets were sold from Henry station during the month
- Death of D O Jenne, the civil engineer, at Sterling, 28th, age 72. He had general charge of the construction of the lock and dam at this place in 1870.
- Change of proprietors at Undercliff – E A Dunne being succeeded by George Graves and K Sammis.
- Report of the committee concerning the artesian well made to city council 1st. Contract given to W H Gray & Co. of Chicago, and signed Sept. 1, 1885. Prices, first 800 feet at $1.85 per foot, next 400 feet at $2.10; next 400 feet at $2.50. Boring commenced Oct. 15, completed Feb. 16, 1886, at a depth of 1856 feet, the estimated flow being 325 gallons per minute. Cost of well $2709.58.
- 3d, marriage of Fred A. Raymond, Jr., and Amanda J Camery.
- Receipts for the previous year at collector's office at Henry were $1379.53. Spent in improvements at lock and dam $2072.24. Dike cost $761.07.
- L C McMurtrie retires and E R McKinney assumes the duties of postmaster at Lacon, 1st.
- J E Bettler departs with family for California, 2d
- Harry Les Dobson, the boy orator, appeared at Bickerman's Hall, 5th and 6th, under the auspices of the Children's Union
- Allie J Eckhart moves to Stella, Neb. for a clerkship with Mahln Bros., 2d.
- Geo W Ewalt, hangs out a lawyers shingle at Wenona.
- Charles Fowler of Wenona, receives seven Cleveland Bay stallions from England.
- Grange formed at Putnam with W H Williams as master
- Death of W M Clarkson at Salina, Kan., 4th, of congestion of the brain.
- Death of Abner Boyle, 5th, at Lostant, a pioneer settler of Putnam county. Age 78.
- Temperance convention at Lacon, 6th. John Taylor president. G W Minier delivered the address of the occasion.
- Death of Jonathan Brasfield at Peoria, 9th. Administrators, James and Thomas Brasfield, giving bonds of $50,000.
- Lent began the 10th, ending at Easter, April 25.
- W A Hanna, purchases the interest of his partners in the Hanna Wagon Works, and resumes business by putting in new machinery and employing a large force of men.
- Dr Falkner property sold to H J Grawburg, 10th.
- Samuel Clift purchases the Fleming and Buchanan farms in Whitefield.
- Marriage of Willie Gray and Maggie McVey at St Joseph church, 4th.
- Annual meeting of Henry cemetery association, 15th.
- Death of Jordon Sawyer of Hopewell by being run down by a locomotive at Burlington, Iowa, 9th, the body being severed. Interment in Hopewell.
- Alex Haaser opens a barbershop opposite the postoffice.
- Death of Jacob Hoider, 11th. Age 70.
- Grey Eagle resumed her regular spring traffic with Peoria, 15th.
- The E C Chapman stock of hardware at Lacon bid off by W H Ford.
- Burial of the infant babe L M Lincoln, 13th.
- Woman's Relief Corps sociable on 16th. The lunch was richly enjoyed. Nellie Hoagland was voted the handsomest lady, and Squire Disosway the homeliest man.
- Sale of lots at St Patrick's cemetery, 17th.
- Lectures of Prof R O Spear, at New Opera Hall, 12th and 13th, a dealer in magnetic goods.
- Removal of Elias Wright and family to Magnolia for their future home, 24th.
- Death of Mrs Jeremiah Durham at Hadley, Ky., 16th.
- Death of Hiram Chapman in Curry county, Oregon, 6th, at the age of 78.
- Collector Worley returned his books on 24th. Taxes collected for Henry township $15,087.98.
- David Wills, having purchased a house, moved his family from Lacon to Henry.
- Charles L Kline moves from Port Byron to Henry, keeping house for his widowed father.
- Golden wedding of Mr and Mrs John Bell held 22d, in Wheatland. A family reunion, mnay presents, and a gala occasion.
- Aaron Defenbaugh moves to Harper, Kan., with his family.
- Marshall county taxes; Amount levied $114,106.24; collected $88,226.82 delinquent $25,889.41.
- C C Barnes adds a kitchen to his residence.
- Livingston Roberts, Marshall county's pioneer settler, is given a surprise on 24th, his 75th birthday. Two easy chairs presented the aged pair.
- J F Gates, the grocer, presented with a gold watch and chain by his wife, on his birthday, the 28th.
- D McDonough and wife return from California, 29th.
- Mrs C W Buckley "surprised" by a party of 14 rag sewers, to spend the afternoon. They also brought refreshments for tea, 30th.
- Mrs Lyman Horrom stricken with paralysis, the left side being powerless.
- Burning of a shed on John Billesbaugh's premises, 31st.
- Good Templars organized at Wenona with 55 members, 29th.
- Henry station sold 59 tickets in March to parties bound for the great west
- Town elections 6th
- Masonic festival at Lacon, Prof W H Kister orator, 1st.
- Democratic central committee appointed at caucus, 8d, consisting of Moses Hartley, W H Kister, Ed Harney, C W Carroll, E J Riely.
- Lacon, as a tribute of grateful regard, tender Frank Stire an elegant hunting case watch and chain and Masonic charm, and an elegant watch and chain and fob chain to Mrs Stire, 3d, Geo M Bane making the presentation speech.
- The Presbyterian church of Henry adopt "The Choir and Congregation," a new hymn book.
- C C Geiss retires from the saloon business, because unprofitable.
- Watercott opening, 5th.
- Harry Adams play a week's engagement here, commencing 5th.
- At a school election, 3d, J C Townsend and C W Carroll were reelected members of the board of education for three years each.
- Burning of J Kapraun's clothing store, 8th, caught from an overheaded stove while he was at breakfast. Loss $1200; insured for $800.
- Major H J Depue presented with an elegant gold band ring by the Lacon military company, of which he is a popular officer.
- Death of Mrs Rosa Flynn, 14th. Age 60.
- Death of George L Simpson, Esq. at Lacon, 13th, aged 45.
- Demise of Mrs John Underwood in McLean county, 9th, aged 72.
- Destruction of the First National old bank building, and a new one erected on its site, the bank finding temporary quarters in the Horrom building.
- Surprise party to C W Carroll on the evening of his 52nd birthday, 12th. A rocker was presented by those present.
- A new mansard roof is placed upon the elegant residence of E H Hutchins. Expense of the improvement about $1500.
- Stevens & Son and Frank Leavitt commence ice delivery.
- Sale of the C G Smith property to Daniel Ketchum.
- Mrs. Geo Schneider supplying the market with early vegetables – first in the field.
- Mrs Judge Laws of Lacon received congratulations on her 44th birthday, 10th.
- City election, 20th, G F Paskell, C A Camp and Wm Duke elected as aldermen for two year terms.
- Deliquent tax list published in issue of 22d.
- Palm Sunday, 18th, Easter Sunday 25th.
- Lacon military company called to guard the railway to St Louis.
- Marriage of Elmer Hunter and Maud Field, 21st.
- Marriage in Milo of T R Capperune and Mrs Elizabeth Stiles. The goom was 73, and the bride 67.
- Married at Bradford, 21st, Herbert R Mokler and Lida Foster.
- Married at Chicago, 21st, G W Emerick of Henry and Laura V Wood of Fulton county.
- Smoke house thieves at Granville captured.
- Ed Burson commenced planting corn about the 20th, the first man out with the dropper.
- John Child's infant child buried from St. Mary's church, 17th.
- Solomon Nell raised his kitchen to a second story.
- The street sprinkler commenced its round, 26th.
- Mrs. Belva Lockwood lectured at Henry 29th.
- Burgess Bros lost a $2000 stallion 28th.
- Death of Samuel Dorsey in Bennington Town, 22d. Age 96.
- Death of Mrs Wm Rowe in Iowa. Age about 75. Located in Whitefield in 1833 – 53 years ago.
- Demise of E L Cook at Putnam 3d. Age 61. Buried with Masonic rites.
- Died, 5th, Henry C Griffin, age 44.
- At Mt Palatine Lewis Puffer, at the age of 87, died on the 3d.
- Assessors met at Lacon, 1st. Only 11 were present.
- New city council of Henry organized, 3d.
- Rev Wilson, M E pastor at Lacon, resigns, and joins the Episcopal church. Preached last sermon at Lacon 9th
- Peter Tommes shipped 50,000 forest trees to Nebraska this year. Had shipped 300,000 in previous years to other states.
- Depot burglarized 6th, by prying up a window while the agent was at breakfast. A few dollars missing. The thieves arrested.
- Cal Lightheart, formerly of Magnolia, died of softening of the brain at St Joe, Mo. Buried by the Masonic fraternity
- Hennepin voted anti license.
- C B Ellis of Ford county, son of Thomas Ellis, accidentally shoots his own six year old son, supposing it to be a rabbit.
- Barn of Ezra Townly struck by lightning, 12th
- Return of the Lacon "veteran corps" from the riot at East St Louis. Grand welcome and supper upon arrival at Lacon, 7th.
- Building of the J Kapraun clothing store – brick. Commenced, 19th.
- Miss Atkinson, sister of Mrs Abijah Hall, fractured a collar bone by a fall. 12th.
- Robert Horr breaks a rib by a fall from a wagon on his return from a funeral at Putnam, 5th
- Purchase of Hall's fire proof safes by John Heim, R H Waterfall, Ken McNeal and Geo Burt, Jr.
- A shaft of lightning visits the residence of Theodore Noll, 9th, but slight damage done
- Hennepin graduated a class of nine, 14th
- Prof W H Kister delivers the address at the Chillicothe commencement, 31st.
- Golden wedding to Mr and Mrs Preston Blood of LaPrairie, 8th.
- Golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Charles Stone at Lawn Ridge Congregational church, 17th. Located in LaPrairie in 1845, being the pioneer family.
- Strawberries in market, 15th
- P S Perley returns from Arizona 17th, expects to make it his future home.
- The remains of a child of Rev J J Bunnell exhumed from Henry cemetery and expressed to Buchanan, Mich, 18th.
- Timothy Hunt loses three work horses, run down by the cars, 16th Loss $450
- Confirmation of three candidates for membership at St John's church, 14th, by Bishop Burgess. Solo by Mrs W T Law; and excellent discourse by the eminent prelate.
- Consignment of two children of Mrs L H Cox to the soldier's orphans' home at Bloomington, 18th, to be educated
- Rufus Douglas, kicked by a horse at Wenona, died 15th Age 76
- Marriage of Hiram Hunter and Filena Stevens at Princeton, Ka, 25th
- Construction of a half mile race course on the fair ground, in charge of I P Bush
- Commencement exercises at Magnolia high school, 19th, 2 boy graduates.
- Memorial services 30th at Bickerman's Hall, sermon by Rev J E Taylor.
- Decoration day services at cemetery, address by Rev G B Black
- Hail storm, 22d. doing much damage to fruit trees, crops, etc
- Commencement exercises at Wenona, 21st. Nine graduates, 6 boys and 3 girls
- George Harrison and Emma Seelye married at Concordia, Kan. 18th
- Death of Solomon Nighswonger, in Whitefield, 29th Age 70
- C L Loomis loses a $150 colt from lightning, by a storm in the night of 22d
- J Watercott & Co send out and put up 100 wooden signs throout the surrounding country
- Marriage of Joseph Kenyon and Amanda Wright at Lone Tree, 27th
- A 5th birthday celebrated by little Miss Pearl Heath with about 20 playmates, 19th.
- Mrs R C Moodey and Mrs E Emerick, return from California, 24th.
- Union S S service at Presbyterian church, 30th Addresses by Rev A C Price and Thomas Orton
- Visit of John Rowe from Wilson county, Kansas, to his native town, had been gone 17 years.
- Visit of Mrs. George N Losee of Calhoun county, Iowa, to see her aged father George Burt, Sr., and many friends
- Donation to Rev S H Spencer and his family at his residence, 20th. Substantial presents, and a tea table sociable
- Decoration services in park at Hennepin Address by Comrade J T Murdock of Streator, 31st.
- J E W Morgan engaged as principal of Hennepin schools.
- Death of B B Blackman, 30th, and remains taken to Marseilles for interment Age 36.
- Total Abstinence Union at Clear Creek, 27th. Deacon Dunlap and S P Hill in attendance
- Ida Clark Concert Co at Bickerman's Hall, 27th
- Purchase of the Dickinson property by A M Poole.
- Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress exhibited at New Opera Hall, three evenings.
- Removal of grocery stock of Henry Vogelsang to the brick Kapraun building, 28th.
- Decoration day at Lacon – address by R B Edwards, Esq. Military parade, etc.
- Visit of Gov Oglesby, the canal commissioners and party, on board steamer Frolic, stopped at wharf, 1st. Grand welcome of the people with Cornet band.
- Rev Father Hout, revered pastor of St Mary's church goes to Lincoln, making a permanent exchange of parishes with Rev Father Baak, 4th.
- Marriage at Lacon of J W Grieves and Blanche Blackstone, 2nd.
- Circuit court opened, 7th.
- Decoration and painting of Bickerman's Hall by Frank Coe.
- Removal of Wm Delaney to the county farm, 7th.
- Demise of Ananias Snethen, 2d, aged 68. A large funeral.
- Elmer Hunter elected superintendant of Presbytyerian S S, vice J H Jones resigned, and J A Williams assistant.
- First issue of the Henry Times, 18th. O'Banion Bros publishers.
- Picnic on South park of former Marshall county residents living in Chicago, 19th.
- J Rude Harris of the Indian Territory, a guest of his brother George.
- Commencement of Henry high school, class of '86, of nine persons – eight girls and one boy, 10th. Reception at G C Griswald's 11th.
- Ella Hutchins returns home after a two years residence at Medina, N Y.
- Childrens day at M E and Presbyterian churches, 13th.
- Close of public school for the year, 8th.
- Eleven persons were weighed at J Schick's, whose average was 240 lbs. Combined weight 2646, the least weighed 135, the heaviest 259-1/2.
- Visit of 17 brethren of Hennepin Odd Fellows at Marshall lodge in this city 9th.
- Birthday of Ora York celebrated, 14th. Many tokens of esteem presented.
- Santa Fe surveyors operate about Lacon, commencing, 11th.
- Commencement exercises at Lacon, 16th, reception at S H Thompson's 17th – 13 graduates.
- W R C celebrate the 3d anniversary of organization on 16th.
- At Presbyterian sociable the Sunday school present J H Jones, its retiring superintendent, a silver ice pitcher and goblet, a tribute of 20 years service.
- Negrotto theatrical combination 11th and 12th at Opera Hall.
- E J Riely app master in chancery 7th.
- Peoria 2d M E church excursh it to Henry via Calhoun 28th.
- Santa Fe surveyors commence operations at Henry 20th.
- G O Davis app postmaster at Mt Palatine, vice L Davis resigned.
- Old Folks 3d picnic at Central Park on 17th. Oration by Rev G W Minier, 16 preswent who had lived in Illinois 50 years and upwards. The death roll 42.
- Death of Abraham Syphers, 78, in Livingston co 13th.
- Dr Snyder's strawberry crop 4000 qrts.
- Jennie Carson returns from a three months visit in the Keystone state
- Departure of the invalid Mrs J Watercott for Per. 24th
- Nuptials of Conductor W P Eastings and Susie McMurtrie at Lacon 29th.
- Birthday party of little Lena Stubbles 23d
- Kate Nugent purchases the Hugh Smith homestead for $250.
- The Dr Snyder property sold to F A Raymond Jr
- "Gone to be with the angels," infant daughter of Geo Bane of Lacon 22d
- Fish bake near Lacon 20th – 10 loaves of bread and fishes, and only 7 kegs of beer
- Teachers institute commenced at Henry 28th, 120 teachers in attendance.
- Anniversary of the battle of Kenesaw celebrated at A J Diehl's 26th by the surviving members of the 86th regiment in this vicinity 20 old veterans present
- First communion celebrated at St Mary's church, 27th, 20 children participating
- Lillian Guyer celebrates her 4th birthday 26th, with a party – 20 little mates of about same age present.
- The bible used 22 years in the M E church pulpit is supplanted by a new one
- Board of assessment of Henry held at R H Waterfall's office 28th.
- Musical reception at E H Hutchins' residence in honor of John Gray and wife, late of Leipsic, Germany 24th.
- In readjustment of salaries Wenona postoffice was increased $100 and Lacon reduced $100
- Celebration of the 4th at Lyon's Grove, Whitefield, on the 3d, and also at Senachwine Lake
- The steamer Anderson excurshed it to G A R celebration at Spring Bay on the 4th Light Guard Band accompanied them
- Patriotic discourse by Rev W H Goodisson at St John's church, 4th
- Lecture of State Superintendent Raab at Bickerman's Hall on "The position and dignity of our free public schools," 6th
- Death of Mrs Josiah W Martin, in Hopewell township, 5th Age 74
- Celebration at Sparland on the 3d Mary Fisher read the Declaration and R B Edwards orated
- J M Morrison attends a golden wedding of a sister he had not met for 29 years.
- The 76th birthday of Samuel Hamilton, was celebrated at Wenona on the 20th.
- Reunion of the Stouffer family at Hennepin on the 5th
- A birthday dinner in honor of Mrs W W Heath's 55th birthday was given on the 11th, and enjoyed by all the relatives
- Fracture of the forearm by a son of S S Merritt, 12th, caused by dropping a fence bar upon it
- Some 15 first grade and 67 second grade certificates were granted at the close of the teachers institute.
- Hennepin lodge I O O F entertain their Henry brethren and ladies at Hennepin, 8th. They came home satisfied that Hennepin's hospitality was unbounded.
- Lennie Worley entertained a lot of her little toddlers on her 4th birthday, 9th
- H & E F Hunter purchase the lumber yard at Sparland, so conducting two
- Pilfering the money drawers at Heath & Son's grocery and Krause's shoe shop. The theft discovered and a compromise acquiesced in
- Marriage of Michael Murray and Catherine Nugent at Dixon, 8th
- The Hennepin Record was 18 years old on the 15th
- M M Mallery of LaPrairie and Kittie Noel of Lacon were married on the 18th
- Family reunion at the residence of the venerable F A Raymond, 17th, the company numbering 19.
- Miss Boice taught a private school during vacation, having 27 scholars.
- Dr and Mrs S C Snyder take a tour thro California, Arizona and Texas, departed the 19th, and were gone four weeks.
- Visit of Editor Pool and wife of the Tecumseh (Neb) Jorunal, formerly of Hennepin.
- "The Magic Pump," was performed by the Children's Union, 16th and 17th, at Bickerman's Hall. The receipts were $40.
- Picnic of St John's Episcopal society in Yaeger's Grove, 20th.
- Nuptials of Harry J Niece and Lucy C Long at Keota, Iowa, 20th
- Burning of three business houses in Henry on the 26th – Mrs J N Krenz, W Mateer and Mrs York's buildings, occupied by D H Anderson as Shooting and gallery. J D Stubbles as restaurant with C Camenish as bakery, respectively, slight damage to surrounding buildings 7th.
- Democratic county convention at Lacon, selecting delegates to the various district conventions. Jonas B presided
- Rev J A Corneliason of Washington, Ill preached in Presbyterian church, 25th
- John Kenney had a horse kicked by a horse of Wm Hoorocks, breaking a foreleg. He valued the animal at #150.
- Marriage of Arthur E Smith and Alberta B Reed, 26th.
- Drowning of Herbert Williams at Columbia, Tenn, 18th,
- Death of Susan W Copeland, 18th, at Cartona, Iowa, aged 69.
- Sermon commemorating the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the New Church house of worship was preached by Rev S H Spencer, 25th. Society organized 30 years ago; dedication of temple July, 1866.
- The highest general average at the examination for teachers certificates was made by Charles Vail, and the only perfect average of 100, was awarded James Steele, both pupils of the Henry high school.
- Mrs John Morgan returned from Colorado on the 29th, after a two months absence.
- Mat Durley, for a number of years a resident of Wyoming territory and Colorado, makes home to stay on the 28th.
- Daniel Harney ships his goods and locates with his family at Seneca, 26th.
- Carrie Nicholson called in her mates on the 28d, and celebrated in royal style her 9th birthday; 39 were present.
- Mrs Lyman Horrom stricken a second time with paralysis on the 24th.
- Disappearance of the horse and carriage of Postmaster Hartley from Grawburg's corner at 8 p m, 26th. Found tied in the brush at the Blossom hill.
- 60th Birthday of F H Goodrich celebrated at Putnam by his soldier comrades, 26th.
- Death of Nathan DeLong at Varna and burial in Evans township, 21st.
- Demise of Mrs Julius Watercott at Peru, 31st, aged 81.
- Wilder's Arabian Bitters vender and Punch and Judy show exhibits on street corner eveniings of 30th and 31st.
- Death of A S Fisburn, 24th, one of Lacon's citizens since 1837.
- At Lacon, 26, Mrs Catherine McEntee died, at the age of 87.
- Drs Gale of Lacon purchase the Campbell drug store, and move it to the sanitarium
- Passed from earth Hon J G Freeman, at Los Angeles, Cal, 28th, formerly of Putnam county, aged 56.
- Prof Kister participates in the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of a fine I O O F hall at Galesburg, 4th
- Varna and Magnolia made money order offices.
- Republican county convention at Hennepin, 14th
- A funeral discourse pertaining to the tragic death of the late Jorday Sawyer was delivered by the Rev S H Spencer at the Sawyer school house, Sunday, 1st.
- Julius and Henry Watercott started for the New York dry goods markets, 7th
- The canal boat "Tempest," belonging to G C Griswold & Co, sank at Peru, on the 5th, but after being corked, was towed to Henry and repaired.
- Amputation of the leg of J Leuder of Richland township, Drs Reeder, Tweddale and Holland, the operation being performed in 80 seconds.
- Wyoming camp meeting opened the 11th
- Creston's circus at Henry, 11th.
- The public school building newly painted
- Public school of Henry commence fall term 30th
- Return of Mrs Ruth Hunt from a summer's visit in Iowa, 4th
- S S county convention at Presbyterian church in Henry 10th and 11th, large attendance. Thomas Orion presided J S Thompson elected president for next year
- Nuptials of Dana Becher of Jackson county, Kan., and Ella Keifer of Whitefield, 11th
- Excursion from Peru by the steamer Jim Watson 10th, and one from Utica on the Frolic 5th
- Mrs Louis Weber granted a pension
- Visit of a company of 12 of our prominent citizens to Princeton to view the city and country, 11th.
- Rev Wasmuth sprained an ankle by jumping from a second story window at his residence in Wenona, to arouse the neighborhood against burglars in his house, 10th
- George Schafer came near drowning by the capsizing of a boat. 5th, being saved by Collector Campbell
- Fred Mawbry was also saved by Will Golden, having been thrown into the river by a capsize
- Commencement of camp meeting at Mineral Springs, 25th
- Old Settlers' meeting at Lacon, 18th, Jonas T Ball presided. Speaking by Perry Armstrong and Judge G W Stipp.
- L Turner arrives from Topeka, Kan, 7th.
- Camping of the class of '86 at Walnut Grove, 12th
- Summer vacation of Rev G B Black, leaving Henry 13th. Absent three Sundays.
- W A Hanna was called to Kansas on the 9th to identify lands owned by him agains parties who had effected loans thereon through fraudulent deeds.
- Meeting of the agricultural board where steps were taken to loan $1000, for sinking a well, and filling up the grounds, 5th
- Putnam Co republican convention held 14th, county officers moninated.
- Demise of Mrs Mary Culver, wife of the late Horace Culver, at Allamont, Kan, age 75.
- Death of the only child of John Titus at Conway, Iowa, 13th
- Horse fair at J A Melick's place in Milo, 14th, showing the colts from his noted stallion "Ebony" Some 14 colts on exhibition Prizes of $5, $3, and $2 awarded to E S Erskine of LaPrairie, Thomas Higgins and Orrin Johnson respectively.
- Occupatncy of the New National bank building for business, 30th
- Thermometer, 16th, 110 in the shade at 2 p m
- Marriage of D G Ruble and Julia Mitchell of Magnolia, 10th
- Porter Martin of Whitefield breaks a leg in jumping from a wagon, Dr Jones called, 18th.
- The great ball game between Wenonas and Henrys, 24th Henrys the winner.
- Republican county convention to select district convention delegates, at Lacon, 25th
- Democratic senatorial convention at Wawshington, 24th Prof Kister and Samuel Patrick nominated as candidates for the legislature
- Death of Millie May McNeal, 21st, aged 18
- Death of Mrs A H Powell at Springfield, Mo, 20th, aged 57.
- Death of Mrs Wilhelmenia Smith, age 85, 21st, in LaPrairie.
- Remonination of J T Henderson for congress, 18th
- Breaking of jail of Harvey Mumma, George and Charles Eames at Hennepin, 17th
- The Wenona baseball club have new uniforms
- Nuptials of J B Wright, postmaster of Varna, to Bell Simpson.
- Joseph Schick sent to school at the Teutopolis Catholic academy
- C E Abbott, and wife return from their summer vacation, 25th
- Union S S picnic at Undercliff, 25th.
- New church picnic in J G Corbin's front yard, 27th.
- Death of Orrin Booth at Chillicothe, 21st.
- Fred Story leaves Henry to accept a clerkship at Marshall Field & Co's store at Chicago, 28th.
- L A Meier and P W Wikoff and others attended the soldiers' reunion at Wyoming, 24th.
- Dredge boat at Henry at work on the lock cleaning it out, and the channel to it.
- Prosecution of liquor sellers of Henry by Mrs T P Coan for selling liquor to her minor son. Judgement confessed and fines paid.
- Song service in the park Sunday, 29th, conducted by George Field.
- Odd Fellows' picnic at Sawn lake 18th.
- Sisters of the Notre Dame residents here return to St Louis, and succeeded by teachers form Ursaline Order of Louisville, Ky. German school commenced, 29th.
- Well sunk on fair ground, and water three feet deep found at 68 feet. The windmill and tank in Central Park donated, and erected over the well.
- Nuptials of W F Adkinson of Plub Creek, Neb, and Mary Dauber, 26th.
- Death of Florence Renoad, 30th, at Bradford, age 34.
- Remains of the infant child of John H Saylor brought to Henry from Geneseo for interment, 31st.
- A driving park meeting held at New Opera Hall 28th. Officers elected, but the radces proposed were finally postponed indefinitely.
- Suit of Dr Kinnear vs A H Gaylord for a surgical operation, 28th. Jury gave a verdict for plaintiff of $15.
- Fall term of school commenced 30th, with teachers same as previous year.
- House of Rev G B Black burglarized during his absence on his summer vacation.
- Light frost, 31st
- Second encampment of young people at Walnut Grove the last week in the month. Struck tents, 30th
- Grange picnic at the lake 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th.
- Sugar Grove S S holds an ice cream festival at residence of J A Spencer in Whitefield, 1st. Proceeds went to clergy of Henry preaching in their school house
- Putnam county democratic convention held at Hennepin 11th
- Putnam county S S convention held at Putnam, 8th and 9th.
- Republican senatorial convention at Washington, 14th. A H Brubaker and Henry Zilm nominated as candidates for the legislature.
- Young People Association revived after heated term, 3d, meeting at Rev S H Spencer's residence.
- Nuptials of Harry Allen of Eureka and Ida Hamilton of Minonk, 1st.
- Death of Jennie, daughter of Stephen J. Merdian, 6th, aged 5 years.
- Auditor's meeting 7th - $20 passed up on, assessor $187.50.
- Marriage of T D Hill and Annie Williams of Putnam, at Adin, Ca, 20th
- Temperance meeting conducted by T J McDermott, held in Central Park, 7th and 8th.
- Service of song in Central Park, Sunday, 5th, conducted by C. W. Buckley
- District W C T U held at Wenona, 1st.
- Washington White erects a new house near his blacksmith shop for a residence.
- 8th, some 48 persons took excursions rates for the west.
- Farewell sociable to Rev J E Taylor held at the parsonage, 8th
- Jennie M Hoyt opens a class for instructions on the piano, 16th
- E F Gates left Henry with his goods for Kansas, 8th
- Republican congressional convention at Pontiac, 23d. Hon L E Payson renominated
- Democratic congressional convention at Fairbury, 28th M H Peters nomina'd
- Democratic county convention 20th Ong for judge, Garrett for clerk, Hancock for treasurer, Twish for sheriff. Burt for superintendent
- Burning of the Dr Baker homestead on the night of 14th Loss $2000
- Friends yearly meeting at Clear Creek, commencing 12the for one week. J M Songer had charge of the boarding house.
- Putnam county democratic convention 11th. County nominations made
- Base ball excursion to Peru Sunday, 12th
- Our ice merchants get supplies from Peoria.
- Mrs L Cox granted a pension of $20 per month for herself and four children Back pension $800.
- Mrs Jennie Stephens, the dressmaker, establishes herself at Chicago.
- Election of officers of W C U no 23, 5th, Wm Kuss president.
- "Opening" at Domestic sewing machine rooms, 15, 16, and 17.
- Nuptials in the Oxbow, 15th, of Wm L Mathis and Orie J Norris.
- Death on the 22d of Bessie, daughter of G M Locke, 5 years of age
- Races at the new course on the fair grounds, 16th. Trot against time of W E Bush's mare, time 2.52. Foot race between L V Smith and G C Griswold, pony race, and foot race by 12 boys
- Reuninon of the Wilson family at residence of A B Wilson near Magnolia, 18th – 127 of the relatives present.
- Frank Wells moves with his family to Aurora, 20th
- A new kitchen for J D Lane's residence, constructed by A V Goltra, the builder
- Marriage of Patrick Slowey and Emma Schafer, 23d, ceremony at Henry, reception at their home in Lacon
- Charley Barnard is off for an excursion to the Pacific coast. Enamored of course
- Lookout Mountain Post lease the Christian church and fit it up
- A carriage for the cannon in Central Park purchased and the piece mounted.
- A jubilee at St Joseph's church, 18th, 19th and 20th. Father O'Brien of Lacon assisting Rev Father Reilley
- Four baptisms at M E church 19th, all young women.
- Delicate surgical operation performed on the 19th upon Mrs George Jacobs in Whitefield by Drs Reeder and Kinnear
- Remains of Dr Falkner arrive from Crab Orchard, Neb, and reinterred in Henry cemetery, 17th.
- Attempt to organize a temperance meeting in Christian church, 17th. Not enough interest manifested to perfect it. Deacon Dunlap principal speaker
- J C Ham, formerly of Putnam county killed by an accident at Jackson, Cal
- Grocery store of G W Emerick entered by burglars, 11th, entrance by breaking a pane in a front window. Booty not large.
- Republican county convention at Lacon 28th. J W McClanahan presided, Woolard for judge, Law for Clerk, Specht for treasurer, Roberts for sheriff, Ong for superintendent. Convention addressed by Hon L E Payson.
- Nuptials at St Joseph's church of John Carver and Elizabeth Byrnes.
- Bay window, two story, added to the residence of G G Guyer.
- Farewell sociable of W R C for Rev J E Taylor and family held at parsonage 29th. A silver cake stand, butter dish and knife presented.
- Uniting in marriage of W H Harney of New Rockford, Dak., and Maggie Burke of Wenona, 22d
- Death of wife of James T Locke at St James, Minn., 25th
- Magnolia Grange fair 29 and 30. A great success.
- Nuptials of Roscoe D McClary and Minnie, daughter of Judge Laws, 30th. They locate at Lacrosse, Kan.
- Rev G W Minier addresses the constitueacy politically in Central Park, 2d.
- Farewell meeting to Rev J E Taylor by his comrades of Lookout Mountain Post and citizens at Christian church, 2d. Speeches by F S Potter, Rev Taylor, j C Townsend and others.
- Interment of Linnie Grace, daughter of J C Worley of Lafayette, Stark county, at Henry cemetery, 4th.
- Death at Washington, Ill, of J M Small on the 3d, aged 60.
- Farewell sermon of Rev J E Taylor to his charge, 3d, and his removal to Kankakee.
- Death of Hattie Bartlett Hall, 2d, aged 18.
- Purchase of C H Kellogg's place near the fairgrounds by John Steele for $1000. The family go to their new home in Kansas.
- Organization of a Rebekah degree lodge in Henry, and visit of Mrs Griebel 4th Degree conferred upon 11 ladies and 15 gentlemen. Oyster supper at Haddon's restaurant.
- G W Parker assists in the high school, 4th to 7th, and while here is given a position in a Chicago Normal school.
- Commencement of the construction f a club house at Swan Lake, at a cost of $5000.
- Allie Broaddus starts for Champaign University, 2d. Class of '86 reunion at residence of C Gould the evening previous.
- Henry post office made a special delivery office 1st.
- Surveyor Burt surveys Gimlet Hollow to straighten the road, 4th.
- A tablet erected to the memory of Mrs Henry Martin in Henry cemetery, 8th. The stone was from the marble yard of T D Kirk of Lacon
- Burning of the babe of Turner O'Banion of the Times, by an accidental fall upon a hot stove.
- John Spillman of Hennepin buries a child at Lacon, 7th
- Reunion of the Wilmot family in LaPrairie, 20 were present
- Rev T J Nesmith of Putnam county, died 26th, aged 91. Soldier of the war of 1812.
- An autograph quilt given to Rev and Mrs A Bower, contained over 300 names.
- Conference appointed Rev J H Scott to Henry charge. Rev Mr Garretson returned to Whitefield circuit. Rev F J James transferred to Trivoli
- P S Perley and family vacated their home 18th, it having been sold to Mrs T P Coan. The Perley family after a visit among relatives move to Arizona territory.
- Bell Jenkins departed 13th for Chicago to assist her sister Mrs Stephens.
- A B Clark breaks ground for a new tenement house near his own residence, doing most of the work himself
- Mrs A Snethen receives a pension of #14 per month as a soldier's widow. Some $140 of back pay on her husband's pension is also received.
- Harry Stevenson moves to South Bend to make a future home, 14th
- Marriage of Edward Payne and Mrs Mansell, 5th
- A new night mail for Henry inaugurated the 11th
- Establishment of the American Bargain Store in Henry
- Burr Robbins circus at Wenona 12th
- Horse show at Hennepin was a great success
- Nuptials of Walter Griffith and Fannie, daughter of H K Smith of Clear Creek, 7th
- Completion of the beautiful Watercott cottage at a cost of less than $1500. A V Goltra the builder
- Perchase of the Brock Clisbee house by Frank Smith, and the sale of his residence to Mrs Ramsey of Whitefield
- Death of Mrs Mary L Condit, 12th, aged 81. A resident of Senachwine for 50 years.
- Samuel Holmes and Ben Durham departed for California, 20th
- Mrs O Culver builds a kitchen and porches to her residence and M Snider a barn to one of his tenement premises. W E Bush also constructed a kitchen and porch to his residence
- Rev S H Spencer spends two weeks at Toronto, Canada, departing 20th
- Daniel Canty receives a benefit dance at Bickerman's Hall, 19th
- The Matthews property owned by G W Emerick sold to C C Wood
- Sale of the stock of the Grawburg grocery store to Smith & Bouton Possession given the 27th
- Lawrence Lippert and wife return from California
- Breakage of the grand marble cross in Calvary cemetery, by the storm of the 14th. Also the unroofing of the Hanna Wagon Works. Damage to the Wenona fair grounds about $500, and blew off the Lawn Ridge Congregational church steeple
- Annual opening of J Watercott & Co, 17th
- P B Durley late of Hennepin married 256th at Des Moines, Iowa, to a Mrs Hamilton
- Finding of the body of Arnold H Sherman in the river 24th, coroner's inquest and funeral in the afternoon at Presbyterian church. Had disappeared about a week previous to the finding. Verdict accidental drowning.
- Meeting at college to consider safety of the structure, 30th Rev G B Black moderator
- Brakage of an arm by Dollie Buckley, daughter rof C W Buckley 21st by falling from a fence
- Visit of A H Powell of Springfield, Mo. to Henry Returned the 26th
- The first of a series of musicales by Miss Hoyt's class held at C Gould's 21st
- Transfer of Rev Father Rielley from St Joseph's church, his successor being Rev J F Lockney of Peru, 28th
- Marriage of James Fountain and Sarah E Johnson, 27th, in Whitefiefld
- James Carse run over by a load of coal and severely injured, losing one ear, 30th
- A new pane of plate glass put in the front of J Schick's store to replace a broken one 28th
- State election 2d County goes republican, with the exception of sheriff Twist, dem, being elected by 6 majority.
- W H Meeke, the elocutionist, reads at Christian church, 6th
- The Duke Bros construct a new office
- Mrs S A Johnson completes a new barn on her Deacon Hill premises
- W S Beckwith purchases the mail route between Henry and Magnolia
- A meeting was held at the Christian church 8th to consider the question of abandoning the college building, but after a free and full consultation, the college was regarded as safe as it had been for years, and there the scare ended.
- Putnam county republicans elect ehir county officers except sheriff and sup't.
- St Mary's congregation observed a season of 40 hours' prayer, commenced 7th
- James Longmore and Annie Keegan united in wedlock at St Joseph's church on the 3d
- Dr Snyder, the dentist, using an electrical machine in connection with his dental operations. A new bay window makes him a grand operating room.
- Oyster supper at Christian church by ladies of M E church. Prof Watt gave pleasant renditions.
- A second of Jennie Hoyt's musical receptions was held at the editor's 8th. Beethoven was read and performed.
- Death of Edward R Adams, 12, at the poor farm.
- Edwin Clemens, passed to the other shore, at Florid, 7th, age 28.
- Good Tidings service at M E church, 7th. A S S specialty.
- Richard Kelley and Hattie Cain united in wedlock, 4th. Dick is Cained for life.
- At Great Bend, Kan, Leonard Gray and Annie Higgins of Saratoga township, were married 3d.
- Andrew Hancock will contest the election of F J Specht for treasurer, and Wm Roberts the election of Twist for sheriff.
- The Hanna wagon works secure a large contract for the manufacture of O'Brien Harrows, which they are rapidly producing.
- Purchase by David Coan of the Dr Snyder fruit garden property of F A Raymond, Jr
- D L Travis filling a contract for furnishing 80,000 coal props at Spring Val'y.
- Union Thanksgiving service at Presbyterian church, sermon by Rev G B Black. Also services at St John's Episcopal church
- Lewis Robinson resignes his place at the lumber yard and leases A Scruton's farm in LaPrairie for five years.
- Small child of Al Wymer falls down a collar stairs and breaks a jaw, knocking out four teeth
- Lawrence Lakin from White county arrested for seduction, and taken back for trial, 15th.
- E E Norton of Varna and Allie Winget of Quincy, married 12th
- Death of James C Allen (Heathen Chinee) 21st
- A new house put over artesian well
- Wm Kenney removes to Pekin
- Lyman Horrom picked up unconscious in his yard, on 23d, having fallen from a severe stroke of paralysis. Death on the 25th, age 80.
- A new plate glass put in J F Gates's front window, 22d, to replace broken one.
- Friends' yearly meeting, 26, 3 days.
- 28th, marriage of Charles Sleator and Minnie Thiel
- Advent season commenced the 28th
- Breakage of an arm by a little daughter of E A Bauter, by a fall from the sidewalk
- J A Kays buried a little daughter, 31st
- Birthday anniversary of H L Gregory
- s son celebrates on the 25th. Numerous gifts and a nice time
- Thanksgiving balls well attended
- 4 below zero 1st day of winter with a slight snow fall the day before
- W R C election 4th, Nellie Hoagland elected president
- Remains of A D Sawyer disinterred the 7th and sent to Rutland, Vt for seinterment
- Recent purchase of pianos by James D Stubbles and Rev G B Black
- Capt Townsend returns from Missouri accompanied by Autilla Anderson, to live in the family
- J J Sands admitted at Ottawa, 8th, to the bar as a legal practitioner
- Annual election G A R 4th, J C Townsend chosen commander
- Nuptials of Dr W R Marriott and Anna R Speer, 8th
- A L Hupp receives two fox hounds 4th from the east
- Jacob Melick moves to town to school his children this winter
- Remains of Perry Wilson buried at Hennepin, 2d, brought from Kansas City
- Death of Sabrina, wife of A N Ford at Lacon, 6th, aged 75
- Resignation of Prof Kister as principal of the Henry schools and Arthur Gooch selected as principal and Grace S Hurwood assistant
- W T Law app administrator Horrom estate giving boond of $180,000.
- Election of masonic lodge 14th, installation 28th
- W C Gould and Alexander Forbes and daughter Kate go west this winter to locate in Kansas
- Daughters of Rebekah held an election 7th, Mrs F A Raymond chosen N G
- An infant child of James Aukland of Steuben died suddenly 7th
- 4th musicale at Hiram Hunters 20th – sketches of composers Shuman and Schubert were read
- Nettie Huffman Co played three days at New Opera Hall, commencing 16th
- The recount case postponed to January term county court
- Asa Miller has become a clerk at Geo Field's grocery store
- Old Folks Dance, 29th Large turn out, and a gala time
- 20th anniversary of marriage of Mr and Mrs W Everett at Grand Crossing, 25th
- Death of Nellie J Barrett, 23d
- Christmas eve festivals at all Protestnt churches, and Christmas services at the Catholic churches
- Retirement of Hattie Riley from the postion as deputy postmistress, being succeeded by Nina Goodrich, 18th
- Two inches of snow fall on Sunday 26th, and thermometer at 24 below zero Monday morning. Cold
- Death of Rev I C Goff at Irvington N J, 20th
Transcribed 16 Oct 2018 by Norma Hass from the Henry Republican, 30 Dec 1886, portions of pages 1, 4, and 5.
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