Biographical paragraphs of the residents of La Prairie Township, Marshall County, Illinois, as penned by Ellsworth Spencer in Records of the Olden Time, published in 1880.
Mr. JONES was born in Union Town, Fayette county, Pa., Feb. 9th, 1805. His father died when he was only 2-1/2 years old, and his mother moved to Sciota Valley, Boss county, O., in 1808. He served his time as a tanner in Chillicothe, Ohio, until 1S25. when he moved from there to Fort Finley, where be started a tannery, and was the first elected treasurer of Hancock county. He came out to Peoria, Ill., Nov. 8th, 1831, and thence came up to Chillicothe, where he wintered, and in April, 1832, enlisted in Capt. Eads’ company, of Peoria, for service against the Indians, participating in Stillman's defeat, an account of which is given elsewhere. He married Miss Emily ROOT in Ross county, Ohio, Dec. 10th, 1827. She was born in Roxberry, Delaware county, N. Y., May 10th, 1807. They have four children living, -Belle (EASTON), Angeline C. (McCULLOUGH), Albert W. and Julia J. (EDMINSTER); and four have died. Hattie (FOSTER) and Julius E. died after reaching maturity. Are members of the church of Christ. He has been justice of the peace about 42 years, and held other local offices of the township. Mr. JONES' life has been long and useful, and he is respected wherever known. Few men have been more before the public, and fewer still are they who have so generally won and merited the public confidence and esteem.
Mr. KELLER was born in Franklin county, Ohio, in 1806, and married Mercena MINOR in 1837. She was born in Connecticut. Mr. KELLER died in 1866, leaving six children - C. Martin, Emma R., Mary E. (RATHBURN), Jane (FRARY), Harriet E. and Sarah F. Are members of the M. E. church. Mr. KELLER was an exhorter in the church for several years previous to his death. His widow survives him, and owns 80 acres of land in a high state of cultivation. Miss Emma taught school eight years in the 4th district; Miss Harriet has taught nine terms in one district: Jane also taught five terms up to the time she was married.
Mr. McLAUGHLIN was born in Marshall county, ILL., in 1850, and has lived here ever since, with the exception of two years which he spent in Streator and Kewanee. He married Miss Relief BONHAM in 1871. She was born in this county, and is a daughter of William BONHAM, one of the oldest residents of the county. They have three children living Oscar M., Minnie E, and Albert Leroy and three are dead. He is school director of his district. He rents from his father 112 acres of land which he cultivates. Mr. McL. comes from "good stock" and is a hard working and successful citizen.
Mr. CURRIE was born in Northumberland, England, in 1812, and came to the United States in 1851 locating in Marshall county. He married Mary THOMPSON in 1831, born in the same place. They have four children living - Robert, Hannah, Mary (Mrs. FLEMING), and James. He owns a farm in Ford county. Hannah married John SCOON in 1866. He was born in Scotland. They have four living children - Robert A., Mary E., John Currie, and Minnie J. They are members of the C. P. church. He owns 160 acres of land, and is school director and tax collector of the township. Mrs. CURRIE died in 1877. His son, Robert, lives in Ford county. Although classically educated and possessing the ability to succeed in any of the professions, he prefers the quiet content of a farmer to the turmoil of political life.
Mr. PRINGLE is a fanner, living on section 29, and was born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, in 1821. He came to the United States in 1848, and settled York state, where he remained 4-1/2 years, then came to Marshall county, where he has lived ever since. Married Miss Jeannette TURNBULL in 1852, born in the same place as himself. They have six children, - Lizzie, John, Andrew, Mary, Adam and Jeanette. He owns 300 acres of land, all in cultivation, with good improvements.
Mr. FRARY was born in Steuben county, New York, in 1817, and moved with his parents to Cuyahoga county, Ohio, at the age of nine years. In 1838 he went to Peckatonica, Ill., lived there about eighteen months, and returned to Ohio. Again in 1841 moved to Illinois, locating in Peoria county, where he staid four years. From here he moved to Green county, and remained four years, returned to Peoria, and after two years sojourn in that county, located in Marshall in 1850. He married Miss Catherine J. LOWMAN in 1852, born in Indiana county, Pa., March 7, 1823. They have four children - Rebecca J., Merritt, Sarah W., James N., and two deceased. Mrs. F. and Rebecca are members of the U. P. church. He owns 180 acres of land. Mrs. FRARY is a daughter of Andrew and Nancy Lowman. Her mother's maiden name was HINDMAN, also a native of Pennsylvania. Mr. LOWMAN died at 86 in Pennsylvania. Mr. FRARY is a son of John and Rebecca FRARY, his grandfather was a William HENDRICKS, which is as far back as he can trace his family; and his grandmother's name was BALL. He has in his possession an old Queen Ann gun over 200 years old, brought from England by some of the early emigrants. The barrel is about eight feet long, is in a perfect state of preservation, and will kill a deer at eighty rods will carry either ball or shot. Mr. FRARY is a practical inventor, having invented the only gang plow extant - really practical, which he expects soon to begin manufacturing.
Mr. RIDDELL is a farmer, living on section 25. Postoffice, Sparland. He was born in Scotland, came to the United States when a young man, and located first in Chillicothe, where he embarked in merchandising, until his removal to Marshall county, where he engaged in farming. His first wife was Miss Jennette DAVIDSON, born also in Scotland. Three of their children are living - George D., William and Archibald, and two dead. Mr. RIDDELL has been school treasurer, trustee and director, and held other local offices. He owns 320 acres of land. He is a man of liberal views, well posted in the political history of the day, and a firm lover of American institutions. To him more than any other is due the success of the Lacon Woolen Manufacturing Company. He first invested $10,000, and when this was exhausted and more was needed, voluntarily came forward with $10,000 more. He has always been a director, and much of the time has served as president of the company.
Mr. CALDER was born in Albany county, New York, in 1806. He came to Illinois in 1851, and located on the farm where he has ever since resided, He married Sarah DEDDRICK in 1830. She was born in Queen's county, New York. They have nine children living - Marion W., Alexander, Isaac D,, James, Naoma, Anna Amelia (POWELL), Marshall J., Hellen C. (STOWELL), and two deceased. Are members of the M. E church. He has held several of the local offices of his district. He owns 120 acres in Marshall county, Ill., also a tract of land in Iowa. Few families are better known or so generallv respected as that of Mr. C. He has been a prominent temperance advocate all his life, and taken deep interest in Sabbath schools.
Mr. STOWELL was born in Chenango county, New York, in 1817, and went to Potter county. Pa., in 1847. Here he married Miss Louisa SHERMAN in 1847, and six years later removed to Marshall county, Ill. She was born in Cayuga county, New York, but her parents removing to Potter county, Pa., soon after, she was reared and educated there. Her father was a surveyor and executed important contracts in surveying for the Government. Mr. STOWELL owns and cultivates a good farm, he belongs to a family well known and well thought of, and is a man of more than ordinary ability.
Mr. STONE was born in Franklin county, Vermont, in 1813, where he lived until 1832, when he went to Troy, N. Y., staid there six years, and thence to Pittsfield, Mass. He came to Illinois in 1845, locating in Marshall county, where he has since resided. He purchased his present farm of 320 acres from a company with which he was identified. He married Miss Margaret McELROY in 1836. She was born in the city of Dublin, Ireland. They have three children - Charles H., Julia M. and Frank E. The latter is now engaged successfully in the manufacture of cheese on his father's farm, where he has a capacity of from 300 to 5OO cows. They are members of the Congregational church. Mr. STONE is one of the oldest residents of LaPrairie township, a liberal, generous man, a good neighbor and citizens.
The subject of this sketch was born in Chenango county, N. Y., in 1837, and located with his parents in Peoria county, Ill., about three miles from his present farm, in 1843. He married Miss Precilla GREENBALG in 1864, born in Lancashire, England. They have five children, - Mary A., Laura A., Annie M., Nellie May and Edith P. They are members of the Congregational church, of which his father and mother were two of the original six members who formed the organization. Mr. STOWELL served as supervisor of his township from 1870 to 1875, as well as in several of the minor offices of the township. He is well read on the leading topics of the day, and a successful farmer, with a pleasant, entertaining family. He takes a deep interest in all reforms of the day, is well posted in current events, does his own thinking, and forms opinions from what he sees and hears rather than from what he is told.
Mr. TURNBULL belongs to the numerous company of Scotch emigrants hailing from Roxboroughshire, Scotland, who settled in this township. He was born in 1827, and came to the United States in 1851. He first settled in Geneva, N. Y., and three years later came to Illinois. His wife was a Miss Mary SMITH, born in Scotland, whom he wedded in 1864. They have five children, - Mina, John, Robert, Beatrice and Willie. Are members of the U. P. Church. He owns 333 acres of well improved land, has served his town in several local offices, is a man of sound judgement and clear-headed. The name of Turnbull is derived from a well authenticated incident in the reign of Robert Bruce. The king was one day hunting in the forest of Callender, when he encountered an enraged bison or wild bull, an animal of great courage and ferocity. It charged upon the party, the most of whom took to their heels, leaving the king nearly alone and defenceless. At this juncture a forester or native of the place, whose name was "Rule," a man of great personal strength, threw himself before the enraged animal and with his battle axe encountered and slew him single-handed. The grateful king, in recognition of the service, gave him a large tract of land and bestowed the name of TURNBULL that is, "the man that turned the bull.” The old coat-of-arms borne by the family in ancient times shows the legend.
Mr. DAVIDSON was born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, in 1833, and came to the United States in 1850, locating in Marshall county. He married Miss Jane RAE in 1872, also born in Scotland. They have two children, Nellie and Maggie M. He owns 320 acres of choice land, in a most perfect state of cultivation. He is a type of a large and influential class of Americanized Scotchmen in this country, who, to the intelligence and thrift of the fatherland have joined the enterprise and push of the Yankee character. Mr. DAVIDSON is a successful man, and owes it under Providence to himself alone.
Mr. C. W. DODGE was born in Sullivan county, town of Claremont, New Hampshire, in 1830. When he came west he first settled in Wisconsin, and in Marshall county in 1866, and has been postmaster at Lawn Ridge since 1873. Married a Miss DENNISON in 1853, who was born in Renssclear county, New York. They have three children, - Alice, Florence and James E. He has been in business for himself since 1851. He is a boot and shoe maker by trade, working steadily at his business and making money. Mrs. DODGE has a decided love for flowers, and her home exhibits much taste and elegance.
Mr. GROVE was born in Union county, Pa., May 6, 1820, and moved to the western reserve with his father when 4 years of age. He lived there until Feb. 8, 1842, when he married Miss Amelia CLEMMER, born in Hottan, Upper Canada, in 1821. They have six children living, - John E., Henry A.. Reuben M. who enlisted in the army and died from hardship and exposure at the age of 22, Clara B. (LAPSLAY), Rosabella, Shirley Ann and Shindon. They are members of the Congregational church. Mr. GROVE himself is a disciple of Alexander CAMPBELL. He is a lover of his country, and proved his devotion to it by himself and three sons (the youngest being under age) enlisting in the army during the rebellion. He moved from Ohio in 1848 in a two-horse wagon, containing himself, wife and four children, and all his worldly goods. They stopped at Trivola, Peoria county, until 1850, when he moved to his present farm. At that time there was but one house in view from it. He served as first lieutenant in company E, 86 Ill. Vols., until incapacitated by disease contracted in the service, when he resigned, and is since an invalid and always will be. Although suffering from the effects of his service in his country's cause, he does not regret the sacrifice. He is the same unyielding, staunch, outspoken lover of his country that he has always been, and always hopes to be while he is on earth. He has been always prominent in the local councils of the Republican party, and has filled the position of delegate to many important conventions.
Mr. HULL is a retired farmer, born in Cheshire, N. H., in 1793. He left with his parents when ten years old and moved to Essex county, N. Y., and located in Illinois soon after. He staid one winter in Jacksonville and then moved to Pekin where he lived ten years. He then moved to Peoria county and remained until 1851, when he located in Marshall county where has lived ever since. Mr. HULL represented the county of Tazewell in the legislature three sessions, was justice of the peace, and also a county commissioner under the old law. He was a member of the legislature when it met at Vandalia, and during his term the seat of government was changed to Springfield. He was justice of the peace in Peoria county. He was supervisor and town treasurer 12 years. Since 1860 he has retired from active business, but retains full control of his affairs. He has been an active influential citizen, always laboring for the best interests of the community, and his life would do well to pattern after. By industry and frugality he has amassed a large property. Mr. Hull was never married.
Mr. MARTIN was born in Parish of Kirkmoho, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, in 1814. He came to the United States in 1849, and located first at Peoria, where he worked at his trade as stone mason, some five or six years, at the same time improving his present farm. He married Margaret ANDERSON in 1839, born in Scotland. They have three children living - Samuel, Thomas and Mary (ANDERSON). Are members of the U. P. church. He owns 600 acres of land in Marshall county. One of his sons married a daughter of Richard GELL, of Lacon, and is a minister of the M. E. church. Mr. MARTIN has been very successful and accumulated a large property. Mrs. M. died in April, 1880.
Mr. STARLING was born in Herkimer county, N. Y., in 1834, and came to Peoria county in 1854. He married Eliza RULISON in 1853. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. B. B. Hallock, of Mohawk, N. Y., who lost his life in the railroad disaster on the New York and Erie railway, having become fastened in the wreck, and although not injured he could not release himself and was slowly burned to death. A coincident in connection herewith is that Mr. STARLING afterward moved to the town of Hallock, in Peoria county, and was postmaster there. When the war broke out he went into the army and served under Gen. Hallock. Mrs. STARLING is a native of Parish, Lewis county, N. Y. They have seven children - George, Charles, Martin, Edgar, Emma, Rollin and Julia A. Mr. STARLING enlisted in company K, 57th Ill. Volunteers, Oct., 1861. He was promoted to 1st lieutenant June 20, 1862, and served until Dec., 1864. He was mustered out at Savannah, Ga., returned home via New York, and located in Marshall county, Ill. He was engaged at Fort Donaldson, Pittsburg Landing, Corinth 1st and 24 battles. He is an ingenious mechanic, having invented a sulky plow which he is having manufactured. It carried off the highest honors at the Columbus (Mo.) Agricultural college, in 1878, at a test trial of plows, and the first prize at the State Fair of Iowa in 1875. He has just invented a most simple yet ingenious machine for planting and digging potatoes.
Mr. CRAWFORD was born in Ayrshire, Parish of Kirkmichael, Scotland, in 1806, and came to the United States in 1854, selecting and purchasing his present farm. He married Agnes SHEARER in 1834, born in Wictonshire, Scotland. Eight children have been born to them - Margaret, James, Adam, John, William, Agnes, Matthew A. and David B. Are members of the Congregational church, Matthew is a clergyman of much promise. Adam was a soldier for three years, and now holds a responsible position with an agricultural firm in Omaha. Mr. CRAWFORD owns one of the best farms in the township and has been very successful in his business.
Mr. HURD is a farmer, and was born in Sullivan county, New Hampshire, in 1824. He moved to Monroe county, N. Y., in 1836, went to Wisconsin in 1842, to Trivoli, Peoria county, in 1844, and located in Marshall county in 1848. He married Phoebe E. PORTER in 1849, a native of Chenango county, New York. They have two children living, Mary E, and Elbert C., and are members of the Congregational church. Mr. HURD owns 80 acres of land in a prosperous state of cultivation, with good improvements. He has been supervisor for the last ten years, has been largely identified with the township in which his home is, and has taken a leading part in all the moral enterprises of the day. He is a strong temperance man, a Sabbath school worker, and a friend to religion. It is to such men as he that society and Christianity are indebted for steady, successful progress.
Mr. VINCENT was born in Albany county, N. Y., in 1810, and moved to Madison county in 1841, where he lived for over twenty years, coming to Marshall county in the fall of 1863. He married Sarah WITDACK in 1841, a native of New York. She died in 1866, leaving two children - Mary (CALDER), and Gertrude (ALMER), now in Iowa; and three children by a former marriage – Archibald, Moses, the latter resides in Michigan. Another son, Amos, enlisted in the army in 1862, and served to the end of the war. He was wounded in the hand and disabled for work. He died in 1868. Mr. VINCENT owns 160 acres of land, which he cultivates.
Mr. AITCHISON was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in 1833, and came to the United States with his brother in 1856, and located first in McHenry county, and afterward in Marshall. He worked by the month for some time, and then purchased his present farm. He married Miss Elizabeth SHEARER, March 28, 1873. She was born in Ayrshire, Scotland. Four children have been given them - George F., Jane E., John H and William A. He owns 80 acres of land in a high state of cultivation, with good improvements.
Mr. WEAN was born in Mahoming county, Ohio, in 1825, and with his parents moved to Hillsdale county. Michigan, where they lived until 1867, when he came to Marshall county, where he has lived since. He married Miss Harriet CLEMMER in 1866. She was born in Medina county, Ohio. Their children are Gordon C., Elsey A., Leota M. and Harriet. Mr. WEAN enlisted in Co. B, 4th Michigan Volunteer Infantry in 1864, and served to the close of the war. Was mustered out in Detroit in 1865, having done his duty and seen his country saved from all her foes.
Mr. DAVIDSON was born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, in 1830, and emigrated to the U. S. 1850, locating in Marshall county. He married Miss Mary SCOTT in 1857, born in the same place in Scotland, and they have been blessed with six children - James A., Thomas S.. John, William H., Richard G. and Mary S. Mr. DAVIDSON is serving as Justice of the Peace, has been commissioner of highways, assessor, collector and school director. He is popular everywhere and has many friends in the county. He owns 320 acres of land in a high state of cultivation, which in fact may be said of nearly the entire township.
Mr. KITTREDGE was born in the town of Bedford, Hillsboro county, New Hampshire, in 1812. He came to Illinois in 1850 and purchased his present farm. In November, 1838, he married Mary HURD, a native of Newport, New Hampshire. They have one child, Samantha. Mrs. KITTREDGE is a member of the Congregational church. At a reunion of Mrs. K.'s family which was held at the Kittredge mansion on the 2nd of January, 1880, being the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Owen, the youngest child of the late Stephen HURD, there were seventy-two members present. They had an enjoyable time, as might be expected upon such an occasion. Eating, singing, friendly discussion and a general exchange of views on all topics interesting to the assembly was the order of the day. Able addresses by the Rev. HALL, Congregational minister. Mr. George M. LOCK and others wound up the business and pleasures of the day. The evening was spent at the Congregational church, where a social reunion of the members was held and a large amount of musical talent displayed, to the enjoyment of all present. Mr. KITTREDGE owns a farm in Stark county, immediately adjoining his residence, which, with its grounds, comprising some ten acres, is located in Marshall county.
Mr. SCOON was born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, in 1812, and came to the United States in 1853. He lived one year in New York, moved to Michigan, where he remained five years, then moved to Marshall county in 1859. He married Mary NICHOL in 1837. She was born in the same place in Scotland. They have ten children - Margaret, Jane, John, Jessie, James, William, Charlie, Minnie, Elizabeth and Robert. They are members of the U. P. church. He owns 160 acres of land handsomely located. Mr. SCOON is a hard worker and a shrewd manager, the two elements leading to success. For several years few men have made money so rapidly by legitimate farming. He has a large force of boys, all working in unison, and each striving for the general good. Besides raising grain, he is largely engaged in stock raising.
Mr. AITCHISON was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in 1833. He came to the United States in 1855, and located in McHenry county, Ill., and moved to Marshall county in 1863. He married Miss Agnes SHEARER in 1869, born in Ayrshire, Scotland. Their children are Elizabeth, David S., Mary, Gracie, Kate and Henry. They are members of the U. P. church. He has served as path-master and school director, and owns 80 acres of land, which he has substantially and tastefully improved, with good buildings handsomely located. Like most of his countrymen in La Prairie, he is energetic and indefatigable in the prosecution of his business, hence successful. He is a pleasant gentleman and a good citizen.
Mr. WETMORE was born in Oneida county, N. Y., in 1824, and moved to Marshall county. Ill., in 1849. He married Miss Geneva HILL in 1850, also a native of New York. Their children are Francis, Carrie and Lillie. They are members of the Congregational church, of which Mr. WETMORE is deacon and trustee, and has been for the last 18 years. His daughter Francis is the wife of a native Grecian missionary, and is now in that country assisting her husband in the duties of his mission. They sailed from the United States February 4, 1879. Mrs. WETMORE died in 1874. He married his present wife, Cornelia SANFORD, in 1876. She was also born in Oneida county, N. Y. Mr. WETMORE owns 173 acres of land with good improvements.
Mr. GREEN is a prosperous farmer, and was born in Albany county, New York, in 1826. He came west and located on his present farm in 1851, and married Miss Hannah POWELL in 1854. She was born in Green county, N. Y. They have two children, John W. and Ann E. They are members of the M. E. church. Mr. GREEN is also a member of the Masonic order. He has served as road commissioner and school director, and is trustee in the church. He owns 280 acres of land, with fine improvements. Mrs. GREEN 's father and mother reside with her. Henry Smith their oldest child, died when two years old.
Mr. WlLMOT was born in Cattaraugus county, New York, in 1827, and came west with his parents in 1845 first locating in Adams county, where they remained one year, then removed to Peoria county, from whence he came to his present farm in 1847. He married Miss Mary E. WAUGHOP in April, 1868, a native of Tazewell county, Ill. They have three children, - Rosa May, Arthur X. and John A. He has two children by a former marriage, Vestula Ann and Stephen D. Mr. WlLMOT in a member of the Masonic order, and his wife belongs to the M. E. church. He has served as assessor and filled other positions. He owns 160 acres of land in a good state of cultivation, and one of the most pleasant residences in the county, on either side the approach to it being bordered with evergreens artistically and tastefully arranged, affording shelter and a most pleasing effect.
Mr. DODD was born in the county of Durham, in England, in 1824, and came to the United States in 1853, and to Marshall county in 1854. He married Matilda ARKLESS in 1852, born in England, in 1829. They have nine children living, - Thomas, Hannah (CURRIE), Edward, Ellen, Frederick F., James C., Robert W., Walter H. and Wallace H. He owns 160 acres in his home farm, with first class brick house, and 320 acres in Ford county, all improved. He owns the only brick residence in the township, of any pretensions, which was erected in 1868, and is as substantial now as then.
Mrs. CALDER was born in Green county, New York in 1818. She married James CALDER in October, 1842, also a native of New York State, who died in 1853, leaving three children - Marion C., L. G. and Clarence. Mrs. CALDER is a member of the M. E. church. She purchased her present farm of 160 acres in 1863, when she first came to this country, her husband having died in the fall of that year. She has devoted her life to the interest of her children. All of whom she has handsomely provided for. She has very fine improvements upon her well cultivated farm, and is surrounded with every comfort of this life. Mrs. C. has been successful beyond most men or women under like circumstances. Deprived of her husband when her children were small, and his help and counsel most needed, she has reared, educated and aided them, and seen them comfortably started in life.
Mr. SMITH is a farmer, and was born in Dumfrieshire, Scotland, in 1827, and came to the United States with his parents in 1840. He first settled in Peoria county, where he lived until 1847, and then moved to his present location. His father died in the winter of 1843. His mother is still living with him, and is smart and active at the advanced age of 77 years. She is an active member of the U. P. church. He owns 160 acres of land in the highest state of cultivation with first-class improvements. He has been one of the most successful men on the prairie, and this is not due to chance, but persevering industry and the steady following out of certain rules that always lead to a competence. Mr. Smith is widely known and everywhere respected.
Mr. RIDDELL was born in Lanark, parish of Glassford, Scotland, in 1819, and came to the United States in the fall of 1842, locating first in Chillicothe. He went to St. Louis and worked at his trade the first winter, then purchased a claim and went to farming on section 25. When the gold excitement raged in California he tried his fortunes there, and lost both money and health. Returning, he went on to his present farm and regained both. In 1863 he married Elizabeth CAMERON also born in Scotland. They have four children, - John, Harriet, Margaret and Flora A. Are members of the U. P. church. He is a school director, has held other local offices, and owns 160 acres of land in a high state of cultivation, with a good house and beautiful surroundings. He has a pleasant family, is well off so far as this world is concerned, minds his own business, and lets the world wag as it will.
Mr. ROOT belongs to a family of pioneers that settled in Peoria county at an early day, and whose home is just across the line of Marshall. He was born in 1838, and came to this county in 1872. In 1869 he married Mary C. STOWELL, likewise born in Peoria county. They have one child, Weber S. Mr. ROOT enlisted in Co. C. 86th Ill. Vols. August 27, 1862, and was mustered out June 6, 1865. He was wounded at the battle of Kenesaw mountain, June 27, 1864, and was confined in hospital some time. When he became convalescent he served in a brigade of picked men made up from other detachments, which was engaged in the battle of Nashville, under General THOMAS. He served in this command two months, and then rejoined his regiment at Goldsboro', N. C. He owns 100 acres of land, with good improvements, is a good citizen, and his wife is a lady of refinement.
Mr. SHEARER was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1812, and came to the United States in 1852. He first settled in Peoria county, and came to Marshall county in 1858. He married Miss Nancy MANOCK in 1870. She was born in England. He has six children by a former marriage. Are members of the Presbyterian church. He owns 800 acres of land now, and has given his children 320. The farm he now occupies is one of the best in the township, and he paid for it $62.50 per acre in 1868. Mr. SHEARER is a very intelligent man, and keeps well informed of events transpiring around him.
Mr. SMITH is a native of Dumfreishire, Scotland, born in 1825, and came to the United States in 1840 along with his parents. He was brought up on a farm, and owes his success to good management and hard labor. Is one of the best farmers in the township. He married Miss Lucy CANTERBERRY in 1856. She was a native of County Dublin, town of Rathdrum. She died in 1878 leaving 5 children - Fannie, Minnie, Mary B., Sarah and Lucy. He has served as supervisor, road commissioner and school director several terms. He owns 480 acres of land in the highest state of cultivation. The SMITHs, of La Prairie, are alike noted for industry, thrift and intelligence. They are wealthy, and use their large means in improving their farms and embellishing their homes. They are one and all temperate, order loving citizens, and their example is worthy of imitation.
Mr. BELL was born in Virginia in 1815, and came to Ohio in 1816, when he located in Muskingum county. He lived there ten years and came to Marshall county, Ill., in 1856. He married Miss Ellen McCOY in 1841. She was born in the same state. They have five children living - Samuel McC., Robert H., William W., Ellie and John B. Are members of the U. P. church, of which he has been elder 30 years. He owns 400 acres of excellent land, all in cultivation. Mr. BELL 's large property was made by honest labor. He has defrauded no man, and he owes no man, and when himself and wife go to their last home their places will be hard to fill.
Mr. McGILLICK was born in County Meath, Ireland, in 1833, and came to the United States in 1857, and located in New York State. He married Lucinda HOLMES in 1865, her maiden name, HANSELL. She was born in Suffolk county, Mass., and raised in Plymouth county. She came west with her brother in 1843, and lived in Brimfield, Peoria county. In 1844 she married Levi HOLMES. He was born in Herkimer county, New York, in 1813, and died in 1864, leaving four children - Morris, Milon, Ada (Mrs. DOYLE), and Willie. She married Mr. McGILLICK in 1865. They have one child by that marriage, George F. Mrs. McGILLICK is a member of the M. E. church. He is a member of the Catholic church. They own a farm of 160 acres, all in cultivation, 20 timber, making 180 acres. Mr. McGILLICK enlisted in Co. A, 113th Ill. Vol. in the spring of 1862, and served until the close of the war. He was promoted through the different grades up to orderly sergeant, and was mustered out as such in Memphis, Tenn. He was attached to the provost guard at Memphis in 1864-5.
Mr. BAKER was born in Grafton county, New Hampshire, in 1819, and moved to Massachusetts when thirteen years old, and from thence to Delaware county, New York. While here he learned the printing trade, and worked some time for Horace GREELY, but in 1839 took the latter's advice and came west, substituting the hoe and the spade for the "shooting stick." He first located in Stark county, and came to Marshall in 1862. He married Miss Henrietta WEAVER in 1814, born in Delaware county, New York. They have four children living - Josiah B. William H., Mary A, (DORAN), and Nancy E. (JILLETT). One child is dead. He is a good farmer, owning 160 acres of excellent land under good cultivation, has held various local offices, and has a pleasant family.
Mr. SMITH is a farmer, living on section 10. He was born in Dumfreishire, Scotland, in 1823, and came to the United States in 1840. He married Miss Ottilia FOSBEADER in 1859, born in Prussia. They have seven children - Mary C., Christiana F., William A., Charlotte J., Charles T., Minnie J. and James C. Are members of the U. P. church, and is one of the trustees of the church. He has served as supervisor, and in other local offices of his district. He owns 320 acres of land in cultivation. Mr. SMITH is one of the most successful farmers of the township, and one of its leading citizens. He owns a princely residence, and his home is the abode of comfort and happiness.
Mr. LEIGH is a farmer living on section 9, and was born near Columbus, Ohio, in 1826. When two and a half years old his parents moved to Illinois and located in Tazewell county near Peoria. They came to Peoria in 1842 and to Marshall in 1848. He married Caroline B. CHOATE the same year. She was born in 8witzerland county, Ind. They have ten children - Olive (MEYERS), Alvin L., Elwin R., Anna (BRADFORD), James, Cassius A., Alda L., Lauella, Haven B, and Charles. They are members of the M. E. church, in which he has been class leader for the past 31 years. He is commissioner of highways, has always been a solid Republican and lover of his country, and although not in the army during the late war, he sustained the government by his money, his example, and his personal exertions in the community in which he lives, and is respected by all. He is widely known, and his name is the synonym of truth and justice. He owns a large and well stocked farm, and his property was honestly earned by the sweat of the brow.
Mr. HURD was born in New Hampshire in 1808, and came to this state in 1839, locating first in Fulton county, then in Peoria county, and in the spring of 1840 he went to driving stage from Peoria to Farmington, Fulton Co. He went to Trivola in the same year, and in 1850 he moved to Lawn Ridge, Marshall county, and has lived in this county most of the time since. In the winter of 1860 he went to Michigan, Mendon, St. Joe county, where he conducted a hotel, and in 1862 he went to Waterloo City. Ind., where he run another hotel, and in 1863 sold out and went to Goshen, thence to Lazinaier. He then went to Kendallville, Ind., where he run the "Air Line" hotel, and remained there until 1865, when he came to Chicago and run the "Jarvis House" until 1866, when he returned to Marshall county, where he improved his property and has since lived. Married Miss Mary D. HOYT in 1835, born in New Hampshire. They have four children, - Horace, Caroline D., Mariam L. and W. Owen. Himself and son own 240 acres of land with good improvements.
Extracted June 2011 from the Biographical Department in Records of the Olden Time
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