Biographical paragraphs of the residents of Henry Township, Marshall County, Illinois, as penned by Ellsworth Spencer in Records of the Olden Time, published in 1880.
Mr. MORGAN was born in Shropshire, England, in 1830, and came to this county in 1851, locating in Henry, and established the butcher business which he has conducted successfully for nearly thirty years. He was a single man at that time, but in 1854 married Mary STEVENSON, born in Northumberland, England. Two children have been born to them John T. and Mary J. Are members of the Episcopal church, and Mr. MORGAN is vice-president of the First National bank, of Henry. His son, John T., is passenger clerk, in Chicago, of the Anchor Line of Atlantic steamships.
Mr. DILLEY, the senior member of this firm, was born in Mercer county. Pa., in 1843, and came to Clay county, Ind., in 1865, to Madison county in 1875, and to Henry in 1876. Their present business was established Oct. 1st, 1879. Mr. DILLEY married Ara K. GWATHNEY in 1869. She was born in Putnam county, Ind. Two children bless this union - Walter and George. He belongs to the Masonic order, and the firm is building up an excellent business. They are young, ambitions and accommodating,
Capt. MORRIS, the popular commander of the steamer Grey Eagle, was born in Delaware in 1843, and came to Missouri in 1865, settling at Hannibal. He first engaged in steamboating in 1866, and finding the business both congenial and profitable has since followed it. From 1870 to 1878 be was engaged with the Eagle Packet Company and built up the trade he now controls. In 1878 himself and the engineer purchased the Eagle and have since run her between Henry and Peoria. In 1873 be married Mary A. EARL and is the father of two children, of which he feels deservedly proud. The Eagle is universally popular and few railways are managed with more regularity, her arrivals and departures seldom varying from the schedule.
Mr. NICHOLSON was born in Lower Canada in 1836, and when one year old his father emigrated to Will county, Ill., where the subject of this sketch obtained his education. His first labor was as assistant lock tender on the canal, after which he began steamboating and followed it until 1870 when he engaged in the grain business at Henry in which be has been quite successful. In 1878 his warehouse was burned down involving heavy lose, but it was rebuilt with a capacity of 160,0OO bushels. It is the most complete warehouse at Henry and is owned by Nicholson, Gilbert & Co. In 1861 he married Susan LYNCH and five children have been given them - Maggie M., Emma B., Beulah B., Fannie B. and Carrie. Mr. NICHOLSON is one of the enterprising men of Henry and a valuable citizen.
Mr. MATEER was born in Cumberland county, Pa., in 1815, where he lived until 1857, when he came to Henry and became a partner in the firm of Becker & Mateer. This continued until 1860, when he established his present business in the place he still occupies. He was married in 1849 to Elizabeth S. BECKER, of Adams county, Pa., and to them have been born seven sons and daughters, three of whom are deceased. The living are Alfred, Mary, Grace, Lucy J. and Hattie R. He takes a deep interest in church matters, is always found on the right side in questions of morals, and strives to do his duty as he sees it. Few men are more respected in the county than he.
Mr. ORR came to Henry in 1856, and began clerking for J. L. and J. H. JONES, the acquaintance thus gained proving of great benefit to him. He was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1826, was married in 1818 to Lydia Ann SIMPSON, of Troy, Ohio, and have six children living - James W., in California, Lydia A. (Mrs. BOYD), Anna May, Samuel J., Minnie and Martha L. Mr. ORR began the grocery business in 1867, and has been very successful. He owns three stores, his fine residence on Carroll street is surrounded by shade and evergreen trees, evincing both wealth and taste. His store is opposite the post office, and joins the First National Bank.
Mr. POTTER was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1837, and three years later came to Christian county. Ill. He obtained his education at Mount Auburn Seminary, and read law at Henry, being admitted to the bar in 1864. He at once took up its practice, and has steadily pursued it ever since, with a constant increase of business. In 1874 he married Sarah Isabel HOUSE, born in Grand De Tour, Ill., and by her has two children - Gertrude H. and Frederick Willis. By a former marriage he has three children - Ellsworth S., Carrie L. and Ida I. Mr. Potter is an able lawyer and rapidly "growing" in the profession. He served as State's Attorney from 1872 to 1876, making a capable, efficient officer. In politics he is a Republican, and stands well with the party. He could have served in the last General Assembly had he desired, and has been favorably talked of for congressman. He is capable, ambitions and persevering.
Mr. HEATH was born in Ross county, Ohio, in 1825, and came to Henry in 1849. He began the grocery business here in 1854, and built up a healthy, lucrative trade, which he continues to the present time. He was married in 1851 to Mary J. PUFFER, born in New York, and they have three children - Edgar H., (married to Jennie BRADLEY), Mary Ella and Clara L. Mr. HEATH has been actively engaged in educational matters, and served as city treasurer, clerk, etc. He carries a full stock of groceries, flour, etc., and has a flourishing trade.
Mr. RILEY was born in New York city in 1834, and came to Henry in 1856, where he followed the trade of contractor and builder until 1878, when he purchased the Granite Mills property and fitted them up for business. He married in 1865 Miss Mary A. CLISBEE, born in Marshall county, and to them four children have been born - John, Hattie M., Ella and Lee. Mrs. R. in a member of the Congregational church. The reputation of these well known mills has been long established, and they need no commendation. They manufacture all grades, and supply the local merchants besides, shipping large quantities to Chicago. They are also large manufacturers of corn meal, etc.
Mr. ALBERTSON is a carpenter and builder, born in Rensselaer county, New York, in 1817, where he learned his trade and lived until 1841, when he went to Texas, and thence to New Orleans, Cincinnati and St. Louis, and bringing up at Peoria in 1843. Here he remained until 1852, and then came to Henry. In 1844 he married Sarah J. JOHNSON, born in Indiana, by whom he has eight children - Elizabeth S., E. B., S. J., E. F., Lois, Nellie, Adelbert and Teady. He was a farmer for several years, but has followed his present occupation all his life.
Mr. BALLEWEG was born in Baden, Germany, in 1847, and came to the United States nine yean later, staying in York county, Pa., until 1867, when he came to Henry. He began the saloon business in 1873, and has followed it with considerable profit to himself since. In that year he married Elizabeth FLYNN, born in New York, and two children bless their union - Elizabeth and Annie. He is proprietor of Warren's Hall, which is fitted up for dancing parties, concerts and theatrical entertainments. He owns his place of business, dwelling, and considerable other property,
Mr. GOULD is an extensive dealer in hardware. He was born in Erie county, New York, in 1834, and when ten years old came to McHenry county, Ill., with his parents, whence he removed to Winnebago in 1868, and came to Henry in 1867 and established his present business. He married Mary Ann CRAWFORD in 1854, born in Pennsylvania. Three children have been born to them - Henry, Lewellen C. and Mabel. Mr. GOULD has been quite successful in business, and commands a large trade. His credit is No. 1, and he thoroughly understands the demands of the market.
Mr. LAW was born in Putnam county, in 1845, and was for many years engaged in the lumber trade at Henry. He married, in 1872, Lizzie Orr SWAN, born in Ohio, to whom three children have been born - James A., Zilpha and Rebecca. In 1864 he enlisted under the call for one hundred day men, and went into the 141st regt. Ill. Vols., shouldering a musket and serving the required time. He has been city treasurer of Henry, and filled various minor offices; was candidate before the convention of 1879 for county treasurer, and is capable of filling any position.
President First National Bank, Henry.
Mr. PROCTOR is a native Illinoisan, born in Perry county, in 1858, and came to Henry in 1878, establishing the firm of Webber & Proctor. It was dissolved in 1879, Mr. PROCTOR purchasing his partner's interest and succeeding to the business. He has a nice room for the purpose, keeps a fine stock of goods, and does an excellent business; is pleasant and affable to customers, and his place is popular with all.
Mr. JONES is a leading citizen of the county, and a successful merchant, carrying a very large stock of goods and having a heavy trade. He was born in Washington county, Ind., in 1832, and came with his parents to Canton, Ill., in 1834, where he obtained a liberal education, fitting him for future duty. His father having been elected sheriff, the family removed to the county-seat, Lewiston, whence Mr. JONES came to Henry, serving as a clerk two years. In 1853 he began business for himself, and has followed it successfully ever since. From 1861 to 1865 the firm were engaged in banking, since which time he has confined himself exclusively to trade. In 1853 he married Zahanna BARNEY, and to them four children were born - Ida A., Cannah, John L., Julia and Norman. Behind the counter Mr. JONES is affable, polite and thoroughly master of his business. He has filled many prominent positions in the city and county, and served one term in the legislature with marked ability and entire satisfaction.
Mr. HORRAM is one of the oldest living settlers of Putnam or Marshall counties, first visiting this section fifty-three years ago. He was born in Orange county, Vermont, in 1806, moved with his parents to Philadelphia when two years old, and to Trenton, N. J., three years later. In 1814 his father moved to Lawrenceburg, Ind., purchasing a flat-boat and floating down the stream to their destination. When 16, his parents moved to Hamilton county, Ind., on White river, and again to Tippecanoe county, where his father laid out the town of Dayton, and was one of the three first settlers in the county. In 1827 he started, along with others, for the newly discovered lead mines near Galena, went to the portage of the Kankakee, and purchasing canoes, floated down that stream and the Illinois to Chillicothe, and thence journeyed on foot over "Kellogg's trail" to their destination. He staid one year and returned, visiting the mines again the succeeding year. Going back to Indiana, he married Eleanor BAKER in 1828, and removed to Putnam county, six miles east of Henry, where he opened a large farm and was very successful up to the time he retired from business, about fifteen years ago. He was a bard worker, and his plans were made with judgment. Both himself and wife were industrious and prudent, and fortune smiled upon them; he has a competence of this world's goods, and in his old age can sit beneath his own vine and fig tree and enjoy the legitimate fruits of a well spent life.
Mr. YAEGER came from "sunny France," having been born in Alsace in 1832, the province since wrested from her grasp by Germany. He came to the United States in 1863, and to Henry the year after. In 1867 he married Catharine SCHICK, born in Bavaria, and their two children are named Henry and Ellen. He began business in 1856, erecting in person the substantial brick building be occupies. His residence is on School street, and himself and family are members of the Catholic church. He has been twice elected alderman, and is a man of influence in his ward and in the council. He is agent for several lines of steamers, visited the Paris Exposition and his old home in 1878, traveling extensively in Europe.
Mr. McCOY, the leading watchmaker and jeweler of Henry, was born in Lewiston, Pa., in 1851. He was early apprenticed to the jewelry business, making himself thoroughly master of the trade, after which he came to Henry in 1875, and engaged to E. H. HUTCHINS. for whom he worked one year, and then began business for himself. On the 31st of December, 1878, he married Jennie, daughter of A. M. POOL, and to them one child has been born. He carries a large stock of jewelry and presentation goods, and has a heavy trade from all parts of the country.
Mr. HALL was born in Durbin county, Indiana, in 1839, came to Peoria in 1855, and to Henry in 1860. Married Mary E. ATKINSON in that year, born in Indiana. They have one child living - Stanley, and three deceased. Has been street commissioner three years, and is serving as city marshal. Is a member in good standing in the independent order of Odd Fellows.
Mr. KOEHLER was born in Northampton county, Pa., in 1830, and came to Henry county, Ill., in 1855, and to Henry in the fall of 1858. He began the manufacture of carriages in 1865, and has continued with added facilities from year to year until the present time. He married Augusta C. SMITH in 1863, born in the same county with himself, and they have one child - Lewella B. The capacity of his works has been about 150 carriages of all kinds annually, but he is now greatly increasing this, and will have facilities for manufacturing, placing himself on a par with the extensive manufacturers of the East. His work is pat up in the very best style and is universally appreciated.
Mr. NIECE was born in Park county. Indiana, 1835, and moved to Terre Haute when seven years old, where he served seven years apprenticeship in a drug store. He married Miss Amanda TAYLOR in Laporte, Ind.. and moved there in 1860. He entered the army as assistant quartermaster in 1864, and was stationed at Paducah, Tenn., which was for the time a port of entry. He had charge of the quartermaster's department for the issuance of forage and transportation to the army and to all refugees. All steamboats and other vessels, whether in the Government service or private, were obliged to stop and report to him or at his office. Owing to ill health he was obliged to resign, which he did in July, 1865. He returned to Laporte, where he remained until the fall of that year, when he moved to Henry and accepted a position in M. C. Everett's drug store, at a salary of $50 per month, soon increased to $75. In 1869 be formed a copartnership with Dr. BAKER's son, as Niece & Baker in the establishment of Roberts & Co., which they purchased. In 1871 he sold out to Mr. BAKER, and in June of that year went into business for himself, which he has conducted successfully since. He has one son - Henry J., born in 1863, a clerk in his store, a promising young man and competent druggist.
Dr. JONES was born in Canada West in 1837, came to the United States when a child, and lived in Independence, Ky. He studied medicine here and graduated from the Ohio Medical College of Cincinnati in 1869. He began practice in Kentucky, which he continued until 1S73, and then removed to Henry and made it his permanent home. He married Ida HAMINGER in January, 1879, at Des Moines, Iowa, a native of Covington, Kentucky. The Doctor is a member of the County Medical Society, has a good business, is popular in society, and is looked upon as a rising man.
Mr. SUTTON is a blacksmith of Henry, born in County Wexford, Ireland, in 1844, and came to the United States in 1860, beginning business for himself in 1867. In 1866 he married Ellen IVERS, born in Ireland, and they have six children - James, Alice, Willie, Lawrence, Katie and Ellen. In 1861 he volunteered in the three months service, and continued until honorably discharged. Is a member of the Henry Fire Department.
Mr. SNYDER was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, in 1850, and came to this country in 1866, stopping in Baltimore and Chicago a while, and reaching Henry in 186S. Here he hired to John MORGAN, for whom he worked five years, and then set up for himself in 1874. In 1869 he married Sarah HEIM, born in Pennsylvania, and came here when two years old. They have three children - Charles, Howard and Lulu. They are members of the M. E. church, and he belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Mr. HUPP was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1842, and came to Henry in July, 1879, having lived in Wenona since 1868. He married Miss Beatrice KINDER in 1873, who was born in Ohio in 1862, and one child, Ira Lee, is the result of this marriage born May 31, 1877. He has a first class saloon and billiard hall, where gentlemen will find quiet company and good tables.
Mr. BALL is a native of Alsace, Germany, where he was born in 1837, and came to the United States in 1853. He first settled at Buffalo, and next in Henry in 1858. He tried farming one year and went into the saloon business, purchasing the property from a Mr. Hoover, and greatly improving it. He married Ann Eliza Rosley in 1859, and together they have three children - Mary M., Joseph J. and Henry. Himself and family are members of the Catholic church, and he is a member of the church choir.
Mr. WATERFALL is a naturalized American citizen, born in Derbyshire, England, in 1813, and came to this county in 1843, having resided some years previous in Canada. In 1859 be opened a barber and hair dressing establishment, running it successfully. Was elected justice of the peace in 1874 and attain in 1877, In 1866 he married Mrs. Maria McARTHUR (GRIFFITH). He had three children by a former marriage Mary A. (Mrs. ANDERSON), Sarah, (Mrs. GODDARD), and Charlotte. Are members of the Episcopal church, of which he is senior warden. Is agent for several leading fire insurance companies and gives it his close attention. Previous to coming to this country be served in H. M. 1st Regiment of foot, until his departure for the United States.
Dr. SNYDER was born in Henry in 1862, where he received his education. He read law in Bloomington and was admitted to the bar in Springfield in 1874, following its practice until failing health compelled him to give it over, and by the advice of a physician took up the study of dentistry, graduating at the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgery, and has followed the profession ever since. In 1878 he married Blema H GRIFFIN, of Scranton, Pa., and they are members of the Christian church. The Doctor has elegantly fitted up his rooms and does a fine business. He also visits Lacon weekly where he has secured a very lucrative practice.
Dr. McINTOSH was born in Marshall county, and educated in Putnam. He studied his profession in Pontiac. and began the practice at Magnolia in 1874. His office in Henry is with Dr. MOTTER, and he visits regularly Magnolia and Hennepin. His office at the latter place is with D. W. DANLEY.
Mr. HALL was born in Kelso, Scotland, in 1821, and came to
the United States in 1833, stopping first at New Orleans, then
at St. Louis, and coming to Henry in 1866. He first opened in
the grocery business with which he connected real estate, dealt
in grain etc., following this until 1867, when he visited
Europe, taking in the French exposition, where his knowledge of
various languages made him a valuable companion to Americans.
Returning to
the United States he married Adaline G. FISHER and by her had
three children - George O., Mary Josephine and John G. Mrs. HALL
died in 1856, and he married Sarah I. HAM, of Saratoga Springs.
To her were born four children - Jennie, Florence, Joseph and
Gertrude. After his return from Europe he went into the carriage
business and followed it several years, and then embarked in the
hardware trade under the firm of J. H. Hall & Son.
Mr. GRAWBURG was born in the state of New York in 1825, and came to Henry in 1856. He married Loretta C. SNYDER in 1858, and in 1859 began business in Henry. Mrs. G. was born in Pennsylvania and is the mother of five children - E. Alva, Mary Henrietta, Dora V., William and Beatrice I. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., a stockholder in the Henry bridge company and weighmaster.
Mr. TINKER was born in Manchester, England, in 1823, came to the United States in 1848, and settled at Fall River, Mass., where he staid until 1850, when he returned to England. In 1854 he came back to this country and worked in Philadelphia three years, and came to Henry in 1857. In 1845 he married Elizabeth TOMLIMSON, born in the same place with himself. They have one child - May Hannah (Mrs. GATES), and are members of the M. E. church.
Mr. FERGUSON was born in Harrison county, Ohio, in 1823, moved to Richland county with his parents when a boy, and to Illinois in 1844. Went to Peoria in 1848 and to Henry in 1852. In 1846 he married Susan HULL, born in Cumberland county, Pa. He has been superintendent of the Henry bridge for four years, and was street superintendent four years. He is a stockholder in the Bridge Company, owns a good farm in Henry township, and a coal bank in Whitefield.
Dr. BAKER was born in Lexington, Ky.. in 1822, where he received his education and graduated at the fine Medical College of that place in 1843, The same year he removed to Washington, Ill., and opened an office, subsequently removing to Bloomington, and to Henry in 1849, where he succeeded in building up a large practice. Is a member of the State Medical society, and on friendly terms with all members of the Allopathic school of medicine. He was twice elected mayor, and is held in much esteem by his fellow citizens.
Dr. MOTTER was born in Boss county, Ohio, in 1829 where he was educated and studied his profession, He began practice in 1853 and removed to Henry in 1856, where he speedily built up a large and profitable business. He married Martha W. DUNLAP, born in the same county with himself, and where she attended school with the lady who is now Mrs. President Hayes, the school being taught by Senator Thomas. Has five children - M. Gertrude, Edgar H., George A., Stella and Charles. Dr. M. has an extensive practice, his business extending to Lacon and Hennepin.
Mr. KSYZKI was born in Prussia, in 1826, and came to the United States in 1855. He located in Henry in 1860 and worked at his trade until 1864, when he enlisted in the 14th Ill. Vol. Inf. and served until the close of the war. He was captured near Dalton, Ga., Dec. 5, 1864, and held a prisoner three months until paroled at Wilmington, N. C. The war over, he returned to Henry and resumed his trade. In 1850 he married Magdalina MUCHOLOWAZ, also a native of Prussia. Their children are Nelia and Albana. Mr. K. is a first-class workman, and his wagons have a reputation for strength and durability not excelled by any. He has a capacity for turning out fifty wagons annually, and does all kinds of jobbing and repairs.
Mr. JONES is of Welsh descent, and a son of Edwin JONES, for many years a well known citizen of Lacon. On his mother's side he is descended from the DAVISes, the well-known bankers and capitalists Robert and Thomas being relatives. He was given a first-class education, and early obtained a position in the First National Bank of Henry, of which he is now cashier. Adopting the language of Richelieu, it may be said "to such as he there is no such word as fail."
Mr. GATES was born in Peoria, Ill., in 1848, of good old Yankee stock, his parents coming from Worcester, Mass., in 1823. His mother survives, living at Dunlap station, and is 75 years old. When ten years old he went into a store in Peoria, serving several years as a clerk in different concerns. At twenty he enlisted and served his time in the war for the suppression of the rebellion, and then took a course of study in Cole's business college. He clerked a year at the Peoria House, then went to Quincy and assumed charge of a hotel, which he ran for a year, went to Dunlap and bought a store, which he run for two years, and then came to Henry and entered into the grocery and provision trade. He does a thriving business and keeps a large stock. In 1870 he married Effie B. FORDNER, born in Cincinnati, and to them three children have been born - Mabel Inez, Jesse Freeman and Perrie Fordner. He has a large trade which he personally oversees, and is making money.
Mr. HILLS was born in Waterloo, Seneca county, N. Y., in 1825. He came to St. Charles, Kane county, in 1855, and to Henry in 1866, where he set up in the grocery and provision trade, which he has since followed. In 1849 he married Elizabeth F. OWENS, born in Geneva, Ontario county, N. Y. He keeps all desirable goods in his line, is a heavy shipper of poultry and produce, and has the reputation of being a fair dealer with whom it is a pleasure to transact business.
Mr. HUTCHINS was born in Killingly, Conn., in 1806, and removed to Cazenovia, Madison county, N. Y., in 1830, and to Henry in 1854, since which time, up to 1876, he has been in active life, principally in the wool commission business. In 1831 he married Lucretia CAMP, born in Madison county, N. Y., and by her has four living children - Mary L. (Mrs. BISHOP), Cornelia (Mrs. HULL, and a widow), E. H., a merchant of Henry, and A. V., a merchant of Joliet doing a large business. Mr. HUTCHINS is deservedly proud of his family, as well he may be.
Mr. WEIS is a well known business man of Henry, carrying on the grocery and provision trade and doing a large business in the sale of musical instruments and musical goods. He was born here in 1839. and is a son of Valentine WEISS, one of the first settlers of the township. In 1866 he married Mary TRAENDLY, born in the township, and to them have been born, Kate, George, Emma and Frank. He began business here in 1870 and has followed it since. He is a finished musician and eminent composer, having written some very fine waltzes, marches, etc.
Mr. POOL is an old citizen and for many years a leading merchant of Henry. He was born in Morgan county, Ohio, in 1827, moved with his parents to Lebanon, O., in 1831, thence to Bedford, Ind., in 1833, to Putnam county, Ill., in 1887, and to Henry in 1849, where he entered into the dry goods business, in which he continued until 1877, when he sold out to J. H. JONES. He embarked in the lumber trade here in 1878. In 1853 he married Julia M. RAMSAY, born in Fort Covington, N. Y., and to them were born four children - May C., Minnie A., Jennie F., L. Minerva. Mrs. POOL died in 1863, and in 1865 he married Ellen GARDNER, of Columbus, Ohio, to whom one child, Bruce Roberts, was given. She died in 1878. Mr. POOL has been a leading and influential member in church and society for many years, filling various positions of trust and responsibility. He is a pleasant talker and close reasoner, and his influence is always on the side of truth and justice. He is an active worker in the Sabbath school and temperance movements, and enjoys the respect of all.
Mr. BAXENDALE was born in Alton, Ill., in 1846, and moved to Putnam county in 1848, where he learned the business of a barber and hairdresser. In 1868 he began business for himself, and in 1869 married Sarah E. McCORMICK, born in Magnolia. They have five children – Alfred, Nellie, Ida, Beulah and Samuel. In 1864 he enlisted in Co. B, 104th Ill. Vol., and served until the close of the war. He was in Sherman's great march through Georgia and at Milk Creek, N. C. Although but seventeen years old, he made a good soldier. His rooms in Henry are fitted up in good taste, and his establishment is popular.
Mr. JONES was born in New Hampshire in 1811, and removed to Cass county, Ill., in 1836, where he remained with the exception of a year in Iowa, until 1871, when he came to Henry. In that year he married Mrs. Eleanor CALEF, formerly WHITE, the mother of four children by a former marriage. Their names were Louis, Sarah, (Mrs. WEAVER), and Emma. Is a member of the Masonic order, and an active worker in the temperance reform movement.
Mr. EMERICK was born in Washington county, Pa., in 1823, and located in Henry in 1853. Up to September, 1879, he was farming on an extensive scale and was very successful, owning five farms which he rents out. He is now in the grocery and provision trade, and does a very extensive business. In 1849 he married Miss C. BROWN, who died in 1877, leaving three children - Minerva A., Emanuel B. and William G. In 1879 he was married again to Miss Emma MORRISON. Mr. EMERICK has taken a leading part in public concerns, is a man of ability and influence, and a good citizen.
Mr. McNEAL was born in Jackson county, Ohio, in 1840, and came to Peoria in 1841, and to Henry in 1852, when he learned the blacksmithing trade and wagon making. Has been in business for himself since 1867. In 1865 he married Anna TREMAIN, born in Poughkeepsie, New York, by whom he has three children - Millie May, Fannie F. and Irene. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. A, of the 86th Beg., and served three years, making an excellent record, and contributing his whole share towards putting down the slaveholder's rebellion. He fought in all of Sherman's great battles in the Atlanta campaign, was master mechanic of McCook's Brigade, and at the close of the war returned to Henry. He is active and pushing, and would succeed where many others would fail. He has sold more fine carriages than any other man in Marshall county, and possesses facilities for manufacturing equaled by few. In 187? he was burned out, losing heavily, but went to work and soon made it up.
Mr. SCHURR was born in Germany in 1821, and came to the United States in 1854, and settled in Henry. His wife likewise came from Germany, and they have four children - John, Otto, Edward and Lena. He established business here in 1873, as a gunsmith and maker and repairer of firearms, and dealer in guns and gun materials. He is a finished mechanic, and gives satisfaction to customers.
Mr. ABBOTT was born in the State of Maine in 1844, moved to Albany, New York in 1859, where he studied his profession with his brother, J. H. ABBOTT, the noted and leading photographer in the city, and later of Chicago, where he had a large establishment at the corner of Washington and State. Mr. ABBOTT came to Henry in 1877, and at once secured a very fine business. In 1866 he wedded Louisa REID, born in Boonville, New York. He has instruments for all sorts of views, and is an accomplished artist, as his work testifies.
Mrs. HOYT is widow of the late Chauncy B. HOYT, and was born in New Caanan Conn., in 1806. She was married in 1826, and her husband died December 13, 1860. Her only living child is Emily M. Two sons, Samuel and John Benedict, died in Connecticut, and a daughter died in 1863. She is a member of the Congregational church, an active worker in the cause of temperance, and takes a deep interest in the cause of morality and religion.
Mr. O'HARA was born in Brownsville, New York, in 1837. and came to Illinois in 1856 and went to steamboating. which he followed until 1861, when he enlisted in the cavalry service and was commissioned captain of Co. L, 11th Ill., Vol. He served until 1865, participating in all of the engagements in which his regiment fought. The llth was one of the best in the service, and many of the brave men who enlisted sleep on Southern battle fields. Capt. O'HARA was mustered out at Memphis, returned to Peoria and thence to Henry in 1873. In 1865 he married Nancy SMITH, of Peoria. In 1874 he brought the Gray Eagle to Peoria, and had been connected with her as captain or pilot most of the time since. He knows his duty and performs it well, whether on the steamer's deck or "in the battle's van."
Mr. SMITH was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1836, and came to Marshall county in 1853, locating on a farm in Whitefield, and went to farming. He followed this until 1865, when he removed to Henry and became connected with the grain business, to which he added flour, feed and produce. In 1862 he married Phebe E. BARNES, born in Bradford county. Pa. Ihey have four children - Thomas H., Charles E., Emma M. and David M. He visited the Bocky Mountains in 1859, at the time of the Pike's Peak excitement, remaining there two years.
Mr. MORRISON is a farmer living in Henry township, and was born in Ohio county, West Virginia, in 1844. He came to this county in 1856, and became a farmer. In 1869 he married Minerva EMERICK, who was born in Virginia, and to them one child has been born - Mary D. He has been farming in Henry township for sixteen years.
Mr. CAMP was born in Madison county, New York, in 1813. and came to Potter county, Pa., in 1837. In 1842 he removed to Stark county, and in 1845 came to Marshall. He was by trade a carpenter. In 1848 he married Eliza A. HAM, born in Dover, Mass., and to them were born two children - Isabella and Charles A. Has been in the hotel business since 1865. He keeps a first class house, which is popular with the traveling public, and runs a carriage to the depot and steamboats. Mr. CAMP is an old citizen, and greatly respected by all.
Mrs. TROENDLY was born in Germany in 1831 and come to the United States with her parents when seven years old. They located in Marshall county in 1841, and she married Frederick F. TROENDLY the same year. He died Dec. 10th, 1878, leaving to her care six children - Charles (deceased), Mary, Kate, Margaret, George and Frank. Are members of the German Catholic church. Have recently purchased a fine farm of 160 acres.
Father QUIGLEY was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, May 22, 1826. He came to the United States in June, 1846, and located in the city of Charleston, S. C., where he studied theology and was ordained by Bishop REYNOLDS, a native of Kentucky. He remained at his post in Charleston during the wild excitement of the rebellion, attending to the duties of his Master and avoiding all political discussions. His mission was peace, and to preach peace and good will among men, recognizing all, whether North or South, the children of the Great Father of all. When asked by a Union soldier who became a prisoner, if it would be right to join the Confederate army, he replied: "Render to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s. If you swear allegiance to the flag of your choice, it is your spiritual duty to adhere to your oath." He was afterward stationed at Pontiac in this State, then in charge of the church of the Holy Name in Chicago, and later at Danville, and in Henry since 1876. He was in Rome at the opening of the great council in 1869, when the dogma of the infalibility of the Pope, as the spiritual head of the church on earth, was proclaimed. He visited all the most interesting points of Europe, spending some two years on the trip. He is liberal and generous in his associations with his fellow man, and a favorite in the community in which he lives.
Mr. WANN was born in Chester county, Pa., in 1801, and lived there until his removal to Kendall county, Ill., in 1849. Came to Henry in 1864. In 1831 he married Mary KRINES, born in Pennsylvania in 1810, and five living children are spared them, while three are deceased. The first are George, Sarah (Mrs. VREELAND), Henry C., William, Oscar and Hildah A. Curtis L., killed at Pittsburg Landing, was a member of company K, 20th Illinois Volunteers, and was killed within a few days after enlistment. His life was sacrificed to save his country. Are members of the M. E church, of Henry.
Mr. MEIER was born in Brunswick, Germany, in 1834, and emigrated to this country in ;1859, settling at Annawan, and going from thence to Chillicothe in 1866. In 1862 he went into the army, joining company A, 112th Ill. Volunteers, and serving to the end of the war. He was at the siege of Knoxville, was one of the veterans that helped whip Hood at Pulaski, and after various battles and marches was mustered out in June, 1865, and went into business in Chillicothe. He came to Henry in 1878. His wife was formerly Louisa SCHULPINS, born in Wolfenbuttel, Germany, and their two children are William and Gustav.
Col. STONE was born in Lamoile county, Vermont, in 1809, and fifty years later located in Geneseo, and in Henry three years later, where he engaged in the grain business and became station agent for the C., R. I. & P. R. R., which position he filled to the satisfaction of all for 18 years. He built a warehouse on the river in 1873 with a capacity of 100,000 bushels. In 1832 he married Sylvia STAFFORD in Vermont, who died Sept. 20th, 1879, leaving three Daughters - Freelove H., Betty S. and Helen R. Freelove married James D. CULTON in 1862, and has one child, Sylvia May, born in 1862. He was an active business man with a mind that readily grasped details, and capable of carrying through large enterprises, was well thought of and his loss is deeply regretted.
The gentleman here named is a farmer, who was born in Germany in 1826, and came to the United States in 1848. He staid in New York city one year and came to this county in 1859. Married Maria HAWK in 1848, born in Germany. Their children are Eliza, Mary, Kate, George, Conrad, Anton, Peter and John. He rents and cultivates 320 acres of land. Himself and family are members of the Catholic church. They are hard workers and of the class of steady, industrious Germans who add to the wealth of the county year by year. Such emigrants are always welcome.
Mr. Simpson is a retired farmer, who having amassed a sufficiency of worldly goods to comfortably support him, has come here to pass the remainder of his days. He was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., in 1799, moved to Wayne county, Ohio in 1817, to Perry county in 1823, to Cincinnati in 1826 and to Putnam county in 1842. He was by trade a carpenter, but after coming to Illinois engaged in farming in Magnolia where he still owns 175 acres. He married Miss H. M. WARD in 1828, who bore him six children - Sarah, Roddie, Eliza, Louis E., Drusilla M. and Florence S. Himself and family are active members of the M. E. church, to which he has belonged since 1821. He has filled all the offices connected with it and contributed liberally toward its support.
Mr. MILLER is a railroad engineer, born in Fall River, Mass., in 1828, and learned his trade there. He came west in 1856, locating at La Salle, where he became connected with the C., R. I.& P. R. R. and accepted a position in their employ. He married Hannah W. DAVIS in 1853, born in Fall River. They have had six children, Ida, Isaac, George (killed on the railroad), Minnie, Carrie, Asa and Frank. His family are members of the Presbyterian church, and he belongs to the brotherhood of Canada and the United States. Has been on the C., R. I. & P. R. R. 24 years. He worked also on the Cape Cod R. R.
Captain TOWNSEND was born in Tompkins county, New York, in 1816, moved to Peoria county in 1851, and to Marshall in 1856, and engaged in farming. His home was in Saratoga, and having secured a competency he removed to town in 1870, for its better enjoyment and to educate his children. He married Betsey S. MINELL in 1839. and has four children - George F., James S., Amanda and Cornelia E. He organized Co. D, 47th Ill. Vol., in 1861, was elected captain and served in the department of the Mississippi. Was at Inland No. 10, first siege of Vicksburg, Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka and elsewhere. In organizing the company he was assisted by his son George, who succeeded him in the command and proved a capable and popular officer, serving out his full term. Captain TOWNSEND's health becoming impaired by hard service, he resigned and came home. Was elected mayor of Henry and served three terms. Is a Democrat, and very popular with his party, who have urged his acceptance of important positions without success.
Mr. BAER was born at Chicago in 1862, came to Henry in 1875 and established a saloon and billiard room. He keeps first-class rooms, furnished in good style, immediately adjoining the Paskell house with good tables, cigars and the finest of domestic and imported liquors. It is the only American house in the city.
Mr. WRIGHT was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1819 and moved to Indiana with his parents in 1825, came to Peoria county in 1828 and to Putnam in 1844 lived eight years in Bureau county, returned to Putnam county and staid two years and came to Henry in 1857. He staid here six years and then went on to his farm and remained until 1869, when he came again to Henry to spend his days. He married Sophia C. HUNTER in 1847 and they have one child, Clarissa, born in October, 1848, and one deceased. In early life Mr. WRIGHT was engaged in lead mining for eight years in the vicinity of Mineral Point, Wis. He served three terms as mayor of Henry, was several times elected alderman, and has held other official positions.
Mr. WAGNER was born in Saxony, Germany, in 1852, where he learned the trade of a marble cutter. He came to this country in 1871. spent four years in traveling, and located in Henry in 1876, when he established his present business. He was married in 1874 to Elizabeth GAGEL, born in Ohio, and three children have been given to them - Mollie, Appolona and Anna. He has made some very fine monuments, is capable of turning out the very best work at low prices, and will be happy to show specimens to all wishing to see them.
Mr. MERRITT is a farmer living on section 30, who was born in the state of New York in 1838. He located in Henry in 1852. where he married Miss S. KIMBER, in 1863. She was born in Putnam county. They have five children, - Charles E., Cora E., Roger S., William M. and Matilda J. They are members of the M. E. church. He owns 159 acres in Henry and 40 in Whitefield township.
Mr. SMITH was born in New York city, Nov. 16, 1824, and came to Putnam county in 1836, where he lived with his grandparents. He came to Henry in 1849, having two years previously married Robey A. WHITE, a widow, whose maiden name was Robey A. TABOR. She was born in New Bedford, Mass., in 1818. He owns 160 acres of land, with good improvements, and has three children, Ames A., Edward B. and Emma J.
Mr. BICKERMAN was born in Kentucky, near Louisville, in 1848. He belongs to an energetic, pushing family, well known in Marshall county, and came here with his parents in 1850. He married Maggie MARKS in 1879, who was born in Indiana. He is a member of the Catholic church, and a son of A. BICKERMAN.
Mr. BLOOD is a farmer living on section 4. He was born in Henry township January 3, 1855, and on the 16th of February, 1876. married Minerva READER, a native of Mockport Ind. They have one child, Minerva, born January 22, 1877. Mr. BLOOD owns and cultivates 280 acres of land. He is a son of Daniel N. and Salome BLOOD, and a descendant of the celebrated Col. BLOOD who contested with George IV. for the crown of England.
Mrs. HAFLEY is now a resident of San Francisco, California. She was born in Canada, and was married when only 14 years of age. Her husband died leaving her a widow at the age of 15. She came to the United States with her child and lived with her uncle in Plattsburg, N. Y., one year, and then went to Sacramento, Cal., and opened a private boarding house, which she kept until burned out, in 1852. She then ran the City Hotel, on the same street, until the flood of 1852, by which she lost $20.000 worth of furniture and her well established business. After this calamity she moved to Grass Valley, where she kept a restaurant, and in two years made $20,000. In 1855 she went to Iowa Hill, in the mining district, where she was again an unfortunate sufferer by the elements of destruction, losing some $26,000 by a fire which destroyed the town. She then moved to Orrville, where she was married to Mr. David HAFLEY, a merchant, in 1857. They went to Sacramento and opened the Western Hotel, securing at the outset the patronage of all the stage lines, some twenty coaches per day, and entertained daily about 300 guests. Mr. HAFLEY was taken sick, and finally died in Philadelphia, where she had sent him for his health. She erected a costly monument over his remains in Laurel Hill Cemetery, bearing the inscription "the wife's tribute,” and retired from business. Soon after, however, she opened a first-class boarding house, deriving her patronage mainly from members of the legislature, and continued until the great flood of 1862, when she moved to San Francisco and purchased the residence of the late U. S. Senator BRODERICK, who was killed in a duel with Judge TERRY, of California. After a residence of four years in private life she opened a first-class boarding house on Kearney street, corner of Washington, in which she continued until 1876, when she sold out and made a trip east, visiting the Centennial Exposition. Returning, she stopped to visit friends in Marshall county, and while here purchased the Hatfield farm, in Saratoga township, for which she paid $10,000 cash. In the meantime her daughter, Maria Agnes, was attending school at the seminary of the Sacred Heart, in Philadelphia, where she graduated with the highest honors after six years' study. She was the treasurer of the school, and a great favorite with all. On one occasion when news arrived of a brilliant victory gained by Gen. Grant, she was confidentially informed of it by one of the sisters, with a caution not to say anything about it to the young ladies, there being some 300 there, many of whom were from the south; but her patriotism overbalanced her caution, and when she got into the dining room she picked up a chair and called on all present to give three cheers for the grand victory; then holding the chair over her head, marched round the table, calling for three cheers more. At this point the principal came in and told her she should have her turned out of school for creating such excitement, and sent for her uncle, Mr. HAFLEY, a silk merchant of Philadelphia, who upon his arrival told her to give ten cheers for the next victory she beard of, and then he would send her to Paris. She is now the wife of Mr. Charles POND, hardware merchant, of San Francisco. Mrs. HAFLEY is still an active business lady, living on the ample income from her property.
Mr. DAWSON resides on section 17, his occupation being that of a farmer. He was born in Monongahela county, Va., in 1839, locating in Bureau county. Ill., in 1857, and in Marshall county in 1878. In 1864 he married Mary J. RAYMOND, who was born in Connecticut. They have four children, Freddie, Franklin, Martha and Edward. While a resident of Bureau county Mr. DAWSON served his community some eight years as a school trustee. His present homestead embraces 90 acres of land, with good improvements.
Mr. BICKERMAN is a farmer residing in Whitefield township, who was born on the place he now occupies, in 1856. His parents were among the first settlers in the county, and made good provision for their children. In 1877 he married Maggie MATTERN, born in Henry township, and they have one child, Adam L., born in 1878. They, are members of the Catholic Church. He owns a fine farm of 145 acres, and 37 acres in timber, is a good farmer, and well posted in matters pertaining to farming, stock raising, etc.
Mr. SCHUSTER was born in Henry, in 1864. Engaged in the ice business in Henry in 1877-8, in which he was quite successful. Is a member of the fire department, and a real estate owner. Since quitting his former business he has been speculating, in which he has made money.
Mr. HEACOCK is a native of the Dominion of Canada, having been born in Leeds county and removed to the vicinity of Henry in 1841. In August, 1848, he married Sarah H. DAVIDSON, born in the same county with himself. Up to 1857 he lived in Henry, where he served some time as mayor, and as aldermen. Was assessor two years, and filled other positions. Mr. H. is interested in the early history of the place and county, and possesses much valuable information. He is a good talker, a pleasant, genial gentleman, and owns a good farm with first class surroundings,
Mrs. COAN was born in Indiana in 1833, her maiden name being BRASSFIELD. Her parents came to Peoria when she was a child, and she married William D. LOUDEN, born in Pennsylvania in 1858. He died in 1872, leaving three children - DeWitt. Rebecca and Henry. She married Mr. T. P. COAN in 1875. He is agent for the Hanna wagon in Nebraska. Mrs. C. owns a fine farm in Whitefield, also her residence in Henry. She is a member of the Congregational church.
Mr. MATTERN wan born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1816, and came to the United States in 1842, settling in Zanesville, Ohio, where he lived until 1844. He married Prances ERICH in 1842, in Albany, N. Y., born in Bavaria. They have seven children - Geo. P., Katherina, Michael J., Stephen, Margaret, William and Henry. Are members of the Catholic church. He owns 140 acres of land under excellent cultivation, is much interested in the growth of fruit, makes excellent cider, etc., for which he finds a ready market.
Mr. EMERICK is a farmer, born in Washington county, Va., in 1861 and is a son of G. W. EMERICK, a large land holder of this township. He came to Marshall county along with his parents when a child, and married Jennie MOODY, born in Miami county, Ohio, in 1877. They have one child, Anna May, born Jan. 24th, 1879.
Mrs. KLINE is widow of Geo. W. KLINE, and was born in Lewiston, Mifflin county. Pa. She married George W. KLINE, October 6, 1876, and he died August 8, 1879, leaving seven children, viz., J. B., Ella, Benjamin, Louisa, McClellan, Minnie and Vernon. Mr. KLINE first engaged in the nursery business in Canton, and afterward at farming, which he followed very successfully, and then engaged in the lumber trade with Mr. GREEN. He bought Mr. GREEN's interest in a few months, and sold out to A. M. POOL. A year or so before his death he again went into the trade under the firm of Law & Kline, which firm was dissolved by death. He was an estimable citizen, correct in his dealings, industrious, and largely esteemed by those who knew him.
Mr. KNAPP was born in Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1830, and removed to Marshall county, Illinois, in 1869. He married Sarah QUIMBY in 1859. She was born in the State of New York, and to them have been given three children - Eva A., Edmond E. and Alfred A. Mr. KNAPP owns one hundred and twenty acres of fruit land under cultivation, and his family are members of the Christian church.
Mr. FRISBEY is an old and wealthy farmer, who has lived In the county since 1835. He was born in Rutland county, Vt., in 1806, and moved to Chatauque county, New York, in 1833. He married Rhoda MALLORY in 1827, born in Vermont, who became the mother of eight children, five of whom survive and three are dead. The living are Amanda, Hiram. Eliza, Henry and Elvira. Mr. FRISBEY owns 185 acres of excellent land, and has laid by a goodly sum to make his old age comfortable. Himself and wife have toiled long and well, and their days have been long in the land. They still live in the home they made in younger days, and can view the future with hope and the past without regret.
Mr. HANSON lives on section 9 of Henry township, and was born in Peoria county, Illinois in 1847, and moved lo Marshall county in 1866. In 1871 he married Eliza SMITH, likewise born in Peoria county, and one child has since been born to them - Walter S. He owns eighty acres of good land, all under cultivation, on which he has just erected a fine dwelling house.
Mr. HOAGLAND is a native of New York state where he was born in 1842, and with his parents came to Putnam county in 1856. In 1868 his father died. His mother is still living. When President Lincoln called for "six hundred thousand more" he shouldered his musket and became a soldier in the 87th Ill., serving until the end of the war. He owns 120 acres of land in a high state of cultivation, with a good house and other buildings.
Mr. JONES is a farmer, born in Rutland county, Vermont, in 1815. He came west in 1838, and located near where he now lives in 1839. In 1846 he wedded Mary J., sister of Deacon POOL, of Henry. She died in 1866, leaving four children Walter Morris, Eugene and Stella. He married his present wife, formerly Mary E. BAKER, in 1871. They have one child, Henry. Although 64 years old Mr. JONES is hale and hearty, and Mrs. JONES is quite young looking, showing that their lives have been free from care and trouble.
Mr. MERDIAN lives on Sec. 20, and was born on the Rhine, in Bavaria, in 1811. He came to the United States in 1836 and worked at wagon making in New York city until he came to Henry in 1873. For some time he ran both the shop and farm, but finding this would not do he sold his shop and confined himself to farming, in which he has been quite successful. He married Mary BURGUN in 1838, born in France, and they have nine children - Stephen J., Mary, Clara, George, Peter, Conrad, John, Bernard and Henry. He owns his home farm of 430 acres, 160 acres in Woodford county and 100 acres in Whitefield. Himself and family are members of the German Lutheran church.
Lawyer and Postmaster, Henry, Ill.
Grocer, Henry, Illinois.
Grocer, Henry, Illinois.
Dr. KALB, proprietor of the drug store that bears his name, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, in 1831, and has led a rather exciting life. He was given a liberal education and early began the study of medicine, attending lectures as early as 1851, and he began practice then. He was a hard student, poring over his books early and late and when given a diploma was one of the best informed physicians in the county. He graduated from Sterling Medical college in 1856-7. In 1861 was appointed surgeon of the 42? Ohio Volunteers and served through the exciting campaign that preceded the fall of Vicksburg, participating in the battles of Champion Hill, Black River and Jackson. He was also in the Red River expedition, and was through the campaign in eastern Kentucky. Was promoted to division, surgeon with the army under Gen. A. L. LEE, and medical inspector in the field, after the Red River expedition, with charge of the greater part of the 13th and 19th army corps. He was mustered out Nov. 28th, 1861, and married Miss S. S. BROWN in 1851, their two children being named Clinton and Edina. He came to Henry in 1869, where he has built up a large and lucrative practice. His large experience has given him unusual opportunity to study difficult and complicated diseases; and especially surgical cases. He stands high in the profession and exercises a marked influence in the community.
Mrs. POWELL was born in Morgan county, Ohio, where, in 1836, she married L. E. POWELL, a native of Virginia. He died in 1859 leaving to her care three children - Daniel H., Alfred H. and Lucy B. They are members of the M E. church. Mr. POWELL was a kind husband and father and greatly beloved.
A native of Ohio, born in Ashtabula county in 1835. whence he moved with his parents in 1837 to Auglaize county, in the same state, and from there to Peoria county, Ill., in 1843, where he remained until 18 years of age. In 1853 he came to Marshall county, where he has since made his home. He resides on section 8, is engaged in farming, and owns 160 acres of land with first-class improvements, all under thorough cultivation, fn 1866 he married Eleanor Ursula GOODRICH, a native of Vermont. They have one child living, Charles D., and one deceased. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., is now road commissioner and a member of the board of school directors.
Mr. WILLIAMS was born in Union county, New Jersey, in 1823, and came to Marshall county in 1854. He married Petronella HOAGLAND in 1847, born in Middlesex county, New Jersey. They have six children as follows: Hannah C., James A., Bessie, Annette, Marv W, and Carrie. Are members of the Congregational church. Mr. WILLIAMS has a fine dairy, and furnishes the citizens of Henry with pure milk. He is a good business man, a pleasant talker, generous and liberal. Such men deserve to be as Mr. WILLIAMS has always been successful.
Mr. GUYER is a farmer and dairy man residing on section 9. He was born in Mifflin county, Pa., in 1839, and located in this county in 1869. In 1864 he married Malinda FIBBS, also a native of Pennsylvania. They have five children, - Lloyd H., Doffie D., Charles A., Ida M. and Fannie K. Mr. GUYER and his wife are members of the United Brethren church. He owns 55 acres of land adjoining Henry, and has made a specialty of the dairy business since 1876, keeping 12 cows and supplying the city with milk. He is at this writing a member of the board of school directors.
Extracted June 2011 from the Biographical Department in Records of the Olden Time
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